Nov 25, 2004 00:33
well. its officially thanks giving.
for starters i'm thankful for my lovely wyley!<3
i'm thankful for my friends and family and how they put up with my shit. and are there for me.
i am thankful for the williams family.. i just LOVE EM!
eeek, i had a good night! i miss playing with chelsea sooo much! i love that girl.
welll. today me ashley! and kait plaaayed. we went to angies and then gunnar miguel jordy beau jesse came and got ussss. no keivon :[
haha well we ran around. hung out. it was fun. then beau miguel and jordy left. so we went in side. chelsea. AGHHH girl i miss everything we do together!!! dancing with the iPOD! so fun. the faint<3 ANDREAAAA WOOOO SHE CAME!<3 so did rymeista-stauffer and blakery. they stayed for only a few then left. :[.
i love my friends. i really do.
goodnight. leave me a nice comment. i wanna see somethin to make me smiiile!