Partyyyy woooo yeaahhhh

Apr 06, 2006 23:23

I still don't believe that Im on spring break, I mean it starts today and all, but doing nothing will seem sooo strange!

We took pictures super quickly before Andrew got on the train.

I really hate the Lakers. They didn't have any oversized novelty Kings hands.

Great for a' pickin

Train ride back. Cool creepy metal dood and gf. There was some weird guy sitting near me and we said "oh that guy looks successful" and then he 
takes a really large beer out of his briefcase.  Metro = ultimate designated driver.

Cemetary foto taken by David with Mr. Redfoxes $10,000 camera.

Literally dancing on your grave.

I don't know why this is so pixely. really. Gatos de los under-mundo. 

And finally, the library giant at work.

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