Oct 26, 2005 23:25
so yeah. i miss camp like so effing much right now.i miss everyone from camp, and just hole being at camp. i miss waking up to all Kelsey singing and being extremely hyper, i miss having to wait 20 minutes to get into the bathroom to change. i miss playing pranks on the boys, i miss camp crushes. i miss being scared walking back to the cabins after campfire, i miss the playground and that old tire swing that finally broke,i miss having everyone in the cabin pile up into one bunk to watch a movie on the portable DVD player that either Denise or me brings. I MISS KELSEY, i miss the lake, i miss the dances, i miss the trips to the skating rink and the springs, i miss skipping cabin devotions, i miss never being able to agree on a temperature in the cabin, it was always either freezing or soo hot,i miss the piece of crap pool sticks lol, I MISS DENISE, i miss all the camp songs we sing, i miss class, i miss recreation, i miss having to sacrifice an extra half hour to walk up to the main showers, i miss getting all the way up to the main showers and realizing you forgot somethign, i miss playing mad gab with Greg, i miss the old couches, I MISS EMILIE, i miss serving, i miss KP, i miss blastign the radio during KP and dancing while we do the dishes, i miss having to stand somewhere where you get service on your cell phone but have to make sure no one really sees you, i miss canoeing out to the middle of the lake to use your cell cause you get perfect signal, i miss taking the swim test you had to take in jr camp, i miss going over all the camp rules, i miss the first day when your seeing everyone for the first time in a year, i miss seeing how much everyone chaged on the outside, but how they are still so awesome on the inside, i miss how everyone excepts everyone and no on ever gets made fun of, I MISS TRACY, i miss all the jokes tracy ue to make, i miss singing the song black socks and Tracy asking why not white socks? lol, i miss being late and having to do gray squirrel in front of everyone, i miss making atleast one new friend every year, i miss missing my computer while im there, i miss the crazyness on the first day when everyone is switching from one cabin to another, i miss how ther are so many clicks that form into one big click, i miss crying at campfire, i miss having my mom make my bed and then saying goodbye,i miss Kelsey and Denise dancing to Barbie girl in the cabin,i miss all the crazy pictures that end up being taken on everyone elses cameras,i miss getting your camera back at the end of the day and seeing a hundred random pictures that are the best, i miss the trail of virtues, i miss standing in line for camp food lol, i miss running around on the last day getting people to sign your camp log, i miss crying and having atleast 10 people that i know i can talk to about anything, i miss driving the golf cart, i miss canteen, i miss how no matter what cabin im in, Kelsey and Denise are in it, i miss how no matter who else is in our cabin, we get rated messiest cabin of the year, I MISS VALERIE,I MISS DAVIN,I MISS AUSTIN, I MISS CAMP!!!