Nov 26, 2005 09:26
Lots of friends are writing about Thanksgiving on their blogs. Seeing as how I had to deliver my children into the hands of the bug at 7am for the entire 4 day weekend...well, thus the title of today's twisted musings.
I knew it was going to be a hard day. Not being with my children is always difficult. Knowing they are with HIM is just hard to bear. They are in Portland with a mass of cousins so I know that the offspring will be having a blast while daddy-dearest either plays x-box until his eyes fall out or chats it up with his brother and sister-in-law about what a horrid, heathen whore I am. It's a win-win situation, really.
After tears and coffee (oh, the bug brought me coffee, flowers and a CD for a Happy Thanksgiving gift and then promptly rode off into the mist with my children. Twisted fuck.) I came home to pound out aggression on the treadmill and take a shower. I was off to the zoo with Cotton Candy and his 3 offspring...and I had a great time. All the animals were out of their habitats, including the see-uh-mangs (whatever) who put on a loud and crazy show with their bubble throats for at least 30 minutes. I took lots of photos with my phone and even a video of the see-uh-mangs. We grossed out at the bats and cockroaches and ooh-ed and aah-ed over the snakes and monkeys...along with lots of joking about "look, there's your cousin!" The lion came right over to the window almost and we couldn't tell if it was roaring or coughing up a hairball. Excellent. Kids are such great fun...especially the "big kid" who managed to keep me laughing and smiling on this crummy first thanksgiving without my babies.
After PB&J in the parking lot we headed back to Everett and on our separate ways. I took the curs-ed flowers to my mom and told her not to ask questions. She, of course, guessed right away where they'd come from because she knows I'm too broke to be buying flowers. "Well, we can't let nice flowers go to waste, can we?" My aunt, who drinks pink wine almost exclusively, brought me my very own bottle of pinot gris. Ah, the day is yet improving! I had dinner at mom and dads with auntie, my sister and her husband and 3 daughters. It was very traditional and simple, and the bug wasn't there to utter his nonsense cheezy 5 minute "blessing". I think, as usual, the mashed potatoes and the rolls were my favorite.
After a tryptophan-depression-wine induced nap followed by pumpkin pie, I helped mom get a puzzle started. Several times throughout the day I had the mom-panic..."where's BabyGirl?" only to remember she wasn't here. Sniff sniff. This sucks.
I was off to Kinderho and Littlejigman's house for a couple of hours of yakkin' it up with friends. We watched female offspring do countless tricks on the gymnastic mat. The WineGuy's mother told stories about their foster-twins climbing on roofs and filling shopping carts with "meat meat meat". It was grand.
It was a day with some things to be thankful for: my family of course, my many friends, and all those people who remind me that, although this sucks, it was the right course to take. So while I missed my children deeply I know that this year is the worst and it should only get better from here. And yet, with all this to be thankful for I still felt a bit like I had a sadness pulling at the corners of my smile all day. *Sigh* And since I just couldn't bear to go home to my quiet house alone, I left Kinderho's to impose my sad sorry self on CottonCandy once more...although I don't think he minded much. In fact, it was the first time all day that I felt the sadness lighten and a genuine smile remain.