Title: What Shouldn't Be (But Ultimately Is)
whatshouldntbeStatus: Completed
Universe/Series: Reboot (in more ways than others)
Rating: PG13
Relationship status: first time, slow-build K/S
Word count: 43,000+ overall
Plot: The importance of conception, as it was preordained, does, in fact, effect alternating life-lines.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, rom-com humor, violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Various
Author Notes: This will be a series in six parts.
Summary: “You believe that my affections for you are centered distinctly on physical and sexual preferences. You could not be further from the truth,” Prime Spock says softly. “Though you are different by experiences and gender, your heart, your mind, your soul remains identical. Universes alternating or not, your entire essence, nevertheless, is the same, and that, Jim, is why we will always be t'hy'la.
PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Title: The Enemy Within
whatshouldntbeStatus: Completed
Universe/Series: Part Two of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot XI/TOS
Rating: R
Relationship status: first time, slow build K/S
Word count: 177000+ overall
Plot: The demons of the past will always compromise the promise of the future.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, references to past child abuse, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Kirk/Gary Mitchell, Spock/Uhura, unrequited Kirk/Spock
Summary: Six months into her captaincy, Jim Kirk experiences the hardships of being a twenty-something woman in command.
PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7 Part 2
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5Title: Arena
whatshouldntbeStatus: Completed
Universe/Series: Part Three of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot XI/TOS
Rating: R
Relationship status: first time, slow build K/S
Word count: 145000+ overall
Plot: The demons of the past will always compromise the promise of the future.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, references to past child abuse, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Kirk/guy!Rand, Spock/Uhura (terminated relationship), unrequited Kirk/Spock
Summary: During the last six months of her first year into her captaincy, Jim Kirk is forced to revist her dark past when a rumor surfaces around the ship concerning the suspected whereabouts of Governor Kodos.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Title: Journey to Babel
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part Four of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot/TOS
Rating: NC17/R
Relationship status: first time, unresolved sexual tension
Word count: 14000+ for this part, 130000+ so far
Plot: Love is a battlefield.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, references to past child abuse, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Spock/Leila Kalomi (one-sided, unrequited)
Summary: During the second year of her captaincy, Jim Kirk experiences a closeness with Spock that comes as a surprise to both of them. Now comes a whole turmoil of emotions for both of them as they delve deeper into this fated relationship.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Title This Side of Paradise
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part Five of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot/TOS
Rating: NC-17/R
Relationship status: established k/s, marriage
Word count: N/A
Plot: Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Summary: During the third year of her captaincy, things are starting to look up for Jim Kirk. So why is the rest of the universe falling apart?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Title: The Final Frontier
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part six of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot XI/STID
Rating: (NC-17 over all)
Relationship status: established k/s, marriage
Word count: N/A
Plot: Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Khan/Kirk (one-sided, unrequited)
Summary: In the final years of her captaincy, Jim Kirk finds that she's beginning to get first hand knowledge of what a Catch 22 is.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Title: The Nine Lives of Jim Kirk
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Reboot
Rating: R
Relationship status: established k/s, marriage
Word count: N/A
Plot: Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, alien pregnancy, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Summary: The balancing act of being a new mother, switching careers, and being a devoted wife, is something that Jim doesn't think she'll ever perfect, but she loves the challenge of it.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7Title: Conner's Year
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part Two of 'The Nine Lives of Jim Kirk' series, Reboot/AOS
Rating: PG13
Relationship status: established k/s, marriage
Word count: N/A
Plot: Spock and Kirk make a baby, and possibly keep doing such, until it becomes like, a thing.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, character death, drama, kiddie POV, language, rom-com humor, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Kirk/Carol Marcus, Spock/Droxine
Summary: On the day of Conner's first birthday, Jim and Spock are petitioned by Starfleet to help absolve the botanical plague that threatens the planet, Merak II. They spend the entire year doing such, while at the same time raising their son, and possibly creating more problems that will test the integrity of their relationship and their family.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Title: Mother Knows Best
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part Three of 'The Nine Lives of Jim Kirk' series, Reboot/AOS
Rating: PG13
Relationship status: established k/s, marriage
Word count: N/A
Plot: Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, character death, language, alien pregnancy, family humor, violence, possible amateur world-building
Summary: Jim loves her boys, she really does, but she hopes this one is a girl.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Title: A Place Called Tarsus IV
whatshouldntbeFandom: Reboot XI/AU
Universe/Series: Part of the 'What Shouldn't Be' series
Rating: PG-13 (R over all)
Word count: 10000+ for this part, 12000+ so far
Disclaimer: I own Star Trek as much as I own the Sun, which means not at all.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, drama, child abuse, implied cannibalism, implied underage, violence, possible amateur world-building
Summary: Nothing will ever undo the horrors she bore witness to. And even when she’s safely back on earth sometime later, she’ll never talk about it. Never explain why she was able to survive when many others did not.
PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Title: Friends with Benefits
whatshouldntbeFandom: Reboot XI/AU
Universe/Series: Part of the 'What Shouldn't Be' series
Rating: (NC-17 over all)
Word count 17000+ for this part, 170000+ so far
Disclaimer: I own Star Trek as much as I own the Sun, which means not at all.
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, action, infidelity, language, rom-com humor, sexual situations, violence, possible amateur world-building
Summary: Jim doesn't end up at Starfleet (until she does).
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Title: Skin
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: Part of 'What Shouldn't Be' series, Reboot XI
Pairing: Uhura/Kirk
Rating: R (NC17 over all)
Relationship status: First time
Word count: 5000+ for this part, 5000+ so far
Plot: Everyone swaps job titles and destinies. Star Trek Reverse AU
Warnings: always!girl Kirk, angst, drama, humiliation, jealousy, language, lack of monogamy, rom-com humor, sexual situations, implied violence, possible amateur world-building
Additional Pairings: Uhura/Various, Kirk/Various
Summary: These are the voyages of Captain Nyota S. Uhura, and her First Officer James T. Kirk, as they complete their five-year mission on the USS Enterprise.
Part 1Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Title: Dear Jim
whatshouldntbeUniverse/Series: What Shouldn't Be (But Ultimately Is)
Rating: PG to PG-13
Word count: Anywhere between 100 and 6000, fluctuates
Plot: Family bonding through correspondences.
Warnings: language, sappiness and references to child abuse
Summary: Jim reads the letters from her brothers and sisters throughout her five year commission on the USS Enterprise.