Aug 06, 2009 18:29
As if I haven't through enough..allie, tom's ex girlfriend, decided to mettle into my life last night. They are having a fundraiser dinner for Tom's family and Nicole asked me via facebook whether i had the money for it and i said yeahh. ill get that to you. So she decided to comment saying you're not welcome. Nicole messaged the bitch saying..
nicole-hi, i dont know who you think you are, but veronica and i are more than welcome to come to the fundraiser dinner, and you have no right to say either of us is not welcome. you may have known tom longer and have more history with him, but i know i was just as good of friends with him as anyone. and he really honestly loved her, and she has the most right out of all of us to be at that dinner. shes been through more than you will ever know, and you at least got to say goodbye to him and have closure....she didnt. i honestly dont know why you think you had any right to come out and comment saying one of us isnt welcome, but you dont. you can hate me for this message, but i dont care. that really is messed up that you would think thats ok to say, and so im calling you out on it. if you have something to say about me or her showing up at that dinner, id really like you to come up and say it to our face because we are going.....and you seem to be the only person who has any type of problem with that. im pretty sure youre not going to respond to this since you havent had the balls to say anything back on the wall post, but you sure as hell are not stopping anyone from going to this benefit. we want to help the doherty family and thats our only concern, if you want to bring drama then be my guest because i have no problem handling it.
allie-thats fine. please go to the fundraiser. ..see how many friendly faces are there to welcome you guys. we all know what your friend has been through...but toms family has been through alot more then her. and for Toms parents to go and visit her in the hospital to see how she is doing ( even though their son died) and for her to worry bout her purse and her stupid car...shows how big of a person she really is. and i guess i do have enough balls to answer..on facebook and in person.
first of all, i hope that wasnt you trying to be sarcastic about how many friendly faces will be there to welcome us.....because im pretty sure that there will be a TON of people there who will be very happy to see us. i never said toms family hasnt been through a lot, i know they have and i feel horrible and im willing to do anything they ask me to help out and be there for them, as well as her.....mind you, the vigil was the first time i ever met his family. his dad told me he considers veronica part of their family, so she is just as close to them as a family member would be and has suffered all the same.....on top of losing someone she honestly loved, not being able to say goodbye, and almost dying twice. im not trying to say she suffered more, because neither one of us has the right to say which loss outweighs the other. i was there the moment she found out about tom, and one of the first questions she asked was how toms family was doing and when could she see them. you really have no right to make assumptions about a situation you know nothing werent there. she never asked one quesiton about her car. i moved her car and told her exactly where it was, so there was no question about it. i really dont understand how youre gonna be the one to come out and say something about how big of a person she is when you disrespected him in the worst way by cheating on him. im sorry, this is the pot calling the kettle really have no room to talk. and i would really love for you to come at all of us at this respectable dinner to raise money for his family.....since youre so concerned about how much the doherty family has been through.
never said i was gonna come to any of you at the fundraiser. most i was gonna do was smle and walk away. this thing is for his family..not for any little problems you might have. and for the cheating thing..yeah i did cheat on him. never said it was right and never said i didnt feel horrible about it. but it happened and that was between me and Tom. and i dont know if you want to let your best friend know or not...but Tom and i started talking ALLOT again once me and my ex broke up...if you know what i mean.
and im not gonna say what i heard or who i heard it from...but she wasnt thought of how she thought she was
Ok, I'm pretty sure you were the one to have any type of problem, so thank you for repeating what I just said. Honestly, don't even look at us at the dinner. And for you to cheat on a great guy like him was so disrespectful, so you have no right to try and say anything about veronica. She treated him better than you could in your dreams. And I really don't know what you're talking about, tom told us many a time that you kept texting him and he kept ignoring you. I'm not stupid, I know things. And I know full well he absolutely loved veronica and would not have left her to go back with I said, I'm as good of friends with him as anyone, so I know him well enough to know you're feeding bullshit.
really he kept ingoring me? thats why we went out to dinner..and he came over to see my apartment? yeah..thats ignoring me. and fyi...that was between me and Tom..we worked things out and made up. that has nothing to do with you..and espeically nothing to do with veronica. and veronica treated him good..highly doubt that. cant possibly love someone after knowing them for only a couple of months let alone know a person. he had his issues when we were together and i had mine. but nothing can surpass the love we had. oh and ask veronica if she ever looked in his drawers...that should answer enough of her questions.
nicole-ok, obviously he didnt ignore you ALL the time, but im positive he did not respond to you everytime you tried to get in contact with him. and id love to know when he went to your apartment... i never said your relationship with him has anything to do with me, youre calling veronica out and questioning how big of a person she is so im doing the same by pointing out how much you disrespected him.....just as you are continuing to do at this moment. honestly, you dont know toms relationship with veronica so you have no information to base your assumption that they werent in love off of. like i said, his family considered her part of the family and honestly saw a future with the two of them....cant say they felt the same way about you, which is why im really curious to know what kind of love you two had that was so unsurpassable that theres no possible way he could have loved veronica more than you. and she actually cleaned his room....multiple times, so im pretty sure shes been in his drawers and never found a single thing....calling bullshit on that statement as well.
p.s. so nice of you to speak ill of the dead by accusing such an amazing person like tom of hiding stuff and lying to people he really cared about. very respectful of you.