56k sucks....even in the afterlife.

Oct 22, 2003 16:55

Greetings folks. I'm still dead.

I know I have been dead for quite a while but I was hoping that people would wait before they tried to make money off of my meaningless existence on earth. I was using a computer in the spiritual plane library (dial up only here) and I found some jerk selling my tie on ebay. Come on folks, couldn't we have waited until the worms were done eating my rotting corpse or something? I bet they found a replacement roomate already too. At least start by selling something meaningless - stuff like my CD collection, my Less Than Jake merch, or my college diploma. But that tie was awesome. Tie of the year in 1996. I walked all the way to paris to buy it where I met my future wife. I never actually married Mlelame' but we still had our many nights of love with nothing but the radiation suits, that tie and 57 elderly kittens between us. To whoever wins that tie let it be known that a lifetime of joy is buried within that fabric. Let it also be known that the 'Buy It Now' price is way too low. Ah! I gotta run - I'm late for Hot Chick hour again.

To the person selling my stuff: Stop or I will be forced to haunt the Kung-Pow chicken out of you.
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