(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 15:02

WELL since i realized the last day that i
updated was friday i guess i'll update today
finally :)
Saturday--mmmk, well me && my mother went
to pet-a-palooza && we looked at kitties.
we found a really cool kitten!!! so we got
him!!!! lol we're not sure of his name tho
i call him Pepsi though! lol!! i slept in
my parent's bed because they fell asleep
outside && Pepsi was in my room && so is
his litterbox...so my room stunk lmao

Sunday--um well we let Louie (older cat)
see Pepsi, and um that didn't go too well.
they were like, hissing and growling all
day && i was scared lol. Melissa came over
then! We went outside && threw rocks (or
tried to at least) at people LOL!! Then we
heard ambulances down our street && there
was a firetruck, policemen, && an ambulance.
so, like, our whole street ended up down
there, && they pulled some guy that looked
like Chris Farley away in a stretcher && i
felt bad lol. so yeah, then we went back
&& we played with Pepsi until he fell asleep
then we left my room && fell asleep on the
living room floor haha.

Monday--Melissa && me woke up kind of early
(well i did anyways!!!) so i went && saw
Pepsi && he was okay i guess. Then we played
with him and Louie. && went online, && WHAT
NOTTTT. we swam && stuff, && we rode our bikes
up to 7-eleven && i actually could ride with
one of my hands carrying a slurpee :O lmao thats
an accomplishment for me lol. so then she went
home around.....5:30? i dont remember. soo i
didn't really do much then, we locked Pepsi in
my room && i didnt sleep in my room because Pepsi
barfed before i went to bed so i didn't want
anything to do with him LOL, so i slept on the
living room floor. again.

Tuesday--well it was boring. um i layed around and
i got like NO sleep the night before because i was
worried about Pepsi. Anyways, i didn't feel good
&& i got all dizzy and stuff and i couldnt see or
hear && my stomach hurt so i layed down for a while
and watched Louie && Pepsi bite each other. But at
least they're getting along nowwww :) so then i wat
ched real world && family guy, and we decided to let
Pepsi roam around at night && ALL he did was play w/
Louie!!!! omg all i could hear was Pepsi meowing and
them skittering across the floors LOL then they came
in my room, Pepsi fell asleep on me, && Louie played
in Pepsi's litterbox, and Louie tore down two of my
posters >:O so i didnt get to sleep till about 3.

TODAY--um well Louie was growling and meowing so it
woke me up....me, my mom, and my brother were all
awake lol so i came out in the family room and fell
asleep for a little while. then i had to leave at 7:30
for a dermatologist appointment. so then we went to
big boys for breakfast, && wal-mart. So Pepsi && Louie
were playing, i didn't do much, went online, then both
of the cats went to sleep. So um i went outside &&
jumped on the trampoline && played soccer && volleyball.
Then i came in && played with Pepsi and now im here!

wow that was pretty long,, um so comment.

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