I was not sure about posting this one, I have a really hard time with dialogue working. I am putting it out there. I am not particularly happy with it, I could not get it to behave, but anyway. I wanted to practice dialogue.
Title: Park Bench
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Rating: G
Spoilers: All the way through Season 6
here )
Comments 2
And Castiel sacrifices all the souls for him, he would, and only for Dean!
BTW nice banner! And mood pics, I still haven't figured out LJ enough to be able to put an SPN banner on my journal or change the moods to SPN (and ppl tried to explain how to do it and I still didn't get it...I gave up LOL)
OH my GOD putting in a mood theme is a bitch, and I always forget how to do it so I just keep the same mood theme forever. I had a Doctor Who one with this layout for months XD
I kind of left it up to people to interpret what Cas becomes, Angel or human, after he lets go of the souls.
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