From my older sister:

Mar 12, 2006 03:17

Hello All, I am starting a message that I hope will spread across the Internet to alert everyone on raisin and chocolate toxicity in dogs. Even if you are not a dog owner I am sure you all know someone who has a dog, and the people that you know who don't have a dog know someone who does, please forward this message to everyone in your address book. No magic gift certificate will appear, no donation will be made to curing cancer and no wish will come true in 10 minutes but you could prevent a dog from being fatally poisoned. My girls ingested a large amount of raisins and bakers chocolate. They were in the emergency critical care unit for 3 days being monitored for convulsions, seizures and kidney failure. They were given medication to induce vomiting, were on continuous IV's, given charcoal medication, had their stomached pumped, x-rays done and EKG monitoring. It was the most scariest thing not knowing if my girls were going to make it. Thank goodness they are home now and are doing well. We still have to have their kidney functions monitored as damage could have already been done. Most people that I have told this story to do not know of raisin toxicity in dogs, raisins even one, can cause kidney failure and death depending on the dog. Most people do know about chocolate but not the seriousness of it. Our mission is to spread the word on this danger to all my friends and family in hopes that you all will forward this on and that this awful toxicity that happened to my girls will help to save others from experiencing this. Please pass this on, I know we all get lots of nonsense forwards in our inbox but this one is for real......

Thank you
Robin & the girls
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