cape & cowl application

Nov 30, 2009 17:02

Character Information

Name: Habashira Rui
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Chronology: After the Christmas Bowl, shortly before Team Japan is formed
Superhero Name: Chameleon (he may have misinterpreted the question...)

Power: Ability to manipulate his own center of gravity, so that he can stand/sit/walk/jazzercise on whatever surface he so desires as if it were the ground. Also, ability of simple camouflage, allowing him to blend into his surroundings.


Habashira Rui presumably grew up with few limitations placed on him; his elder brother is a thug, and his father is a senator, so he’s known from a very young age that the majority of trouble that he gets into he’ll get bailed out of thanks to his father’s position and the fact that his brother did everything before him. Attending the Zokuto Gakuen district school - described by others as pretty much a “gangster hideout” - Rui became as much of a delinquent as those around him. His brother was the captain of the Zokugaku Chameleons football team in high school, but graduated before Rui began to attend.

By the time Rui got there, the only remaining students on the football team had no motivation whatsoever and in no way shared Rui’s passion for football. In order to motivate them, Rui became captain and set up a terrorist regime not unlike what Hiruma Youichi did with his team at Deimon high school, ruling with strength (read: violence, and his motorcycle being so much cooler than yours) and blackmail. He was aided in this endeavour by the team’s female manager, Tsuyumine Megu, who was known for carrying around a wooden practice sword and recruiting players with the line, “You know what will happen if you don’t join, right?” They make a lovely pair.

In his second year at Zokugaku, Habashira bet five million yen on a game between the Chameleons and the Deimon Devilbats. Unfortunately his team lost and was unable to come up with the money; to prevent Hiruma from taking their precious motorcycles as payment, they instead became Hiruma’s slaves in order to pay off their debt, running various errands and helping to train some of the Deimon linemen. Hiruma released them during the summer break when the Devilbats went to America, and Rui forced his team through rigorous summer training to prepare for the fall.

Rui’s dreams of ever entering the Christmas Bowl football competition, however, ended during the Autumn Tokyo Tournament when the Chameleons were thoroughly crushed by the Kyoshin Poseidon team. Halfway through the brutal game, the rest of his team gave up against their stronger opponents, and Rui was the only one to try his hardest to the very end. It was a crushing blow, as Zokugaku, like Deimon, did not allow students past second-year to compete in sports clubs. Despite this, he continued his constant training, determined to be better, and tried to convince his team to still train so that they might be better next year, even if he couldn’t compete with them.


Habashira Rui is, frankly, a thug. His brother was a thug. His father is a senator who will bail him out of any trouble he gets into, so he rarely suffers consequences and he knows it. He loves his motorcycle and his butterfly knife, and that really says a lot about him. As captain of the Zokugaku Chameleons, he leads his lazy and unmotivated team through violence and blackmail as a way of gaining respect, forcing what is more a street gang than a football team to train and compete. Loud and often crude, he’s almost always looking for a fight and is generally the kind of guy that you don’t want to meet in a back alley late at night. In the game of football, he’s not above resorting to dirty tricks against his opponents and was once disqualified for punching a referee; needless to say, Rui has a temper that he rarely reigns in, and it’s almost embarrassing - not that he realises it - how easily he is aggravated or threatened, or just riled up in general. He talks big, even when he can’t always back his words up with actions (though he’ll fight his damndest to do so). He is, on the surface, your stereotypical delinquent.

Despite this, Rui isn’t a bad person, and does have admirable qualities. He truly cares about the game of football, and despite not being as talented as those he sometimes competes against, he puts his all into training and pushes himself to his very limits in order to be the best that he is capable of. He goes to great lengths to “encourage” his team to similarly do their best and not give up when against difficult opponents, believing that you never know the outcome until the very end. Surprisingly enough, he’s not the type of guy to hold a grudge - much. Or rather, he keeps his issues with others in the same place that they started, for example not allowing a defeat on the field to be taken to a fight on the street for revenge.

application, cape and cowl

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