WayS oF LoVe

Nov 07, 2008 04:33

Love does crazy things to people, it makes you feel in ways youv never felt before. it makes you hurt in ways you never knew were possible.
It can make you happier then youv ever thought you could be. happeir then youv ever thought you should be. expesoualy when you don't think much of your self.
the problem i have with opening my heart to someone again is the pain that they could case me. they control your heart in ways you didn't know was possible tell they take the stab. im so breakable that i shatter into pieces when my emotions get uppity even the slightest. i think so much and only think the worst.
Iv taken a deep breath and have let my self fall again. cause you never know how amazing something can be unless you give it a chance. Love is the best thing out there to live for.
Love can just make you act in ways you never have.
it can make you say things you dont mean, make you do things you dont wanna do
it can make you feel like the life is being sucked outta you, just with a few little words.
make your stumic your heart and your lungs all tie into a big knot and make you feel like you cant breath cant think cant live,
Love can hurt so bad that all you can think about is making it stop
or find another pain to cover up the hurt, to untie the knots
and astray your thoughts, if even for a second.
It can make your hole world turn upside down
Look like nothing youv ever seen before
turn your dreams inside out and make no sence at all.
but its amazing how much Love can really change your life
make you smile about everything every day
make even the ugliest things look beautiful
and you know what, i wouldnt give up ne thing for love!
no mater how much pain it could put me throu,
cause atlest i feel alive!
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