(no subject)

Dec 23, 2009 15:34

I didn't know my family growing up. There would be little point in reminiscing on them. They certainly do not put anyone in a holiday spirit, so to speak.

I do remember Christmas, though. When I was very young, before Mother killed herself. We used to spend Christmases at Tsukiyono Castle with Grandfather and Uncle Shuichi. Of course, I didn't understand then why Reiji stayed behind with my brothers, but it was because he wasn't my father. Everyone knew except, I suppose, Uncle Shuichi. And me, of course. I suppose they must have kept it a secret from Masafumi and Hirofumi, too, because they both seemed genuinely pleased to see me after all those years.

Not that it mattered. Reiji knew, and he was all too pleased to get rid of me before I could interfere with his plans. I know Grandfather thinks it's funny, the way everything turned out, but then, Grandfather is not a very nice person. So I suppose it's not surprising. To give the man credit, though, one thing he is very good at is turning out little replicas of himself. See: my father and uncle.

I said I wasn't going to talk about this.

Happy birthday, Ken.
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