Oct 26, 2005 05:42
if i go back to sleep...im afraid i'll never wake back up.
my bed has to be, hands down, the most comfortable bed ever. which makes it extremely difficult to crawl out of when the only thing to motivate me are 2 tests. ugh.
so last night...was amazing. my new boy...amazing. I think this ones a keeper. Now I just need to work on not screwing it up. [i tend to do that]
Kristin and Jen make me happy with their excitedness. As does Heather. And I'm terribly excited about auditioning this afternoon for 'lend me a tenor'. This play has great potentials and I know heather will showcase all of those...she really is a wonderful stage manager/director!
My best friend rachel is a princess. no really. and that makes me happy as well. I guess I'm just not going to be able to get this smile off my face to save my life. but thats not a bad thing right?!
so this crisp weather is really getting to me. I busted out the lil' boy long johns yesterday and was still cold. Lets hope and pray that I don't get sick again. like i did last year. I shall bundle to my best ability.
the cold weather does however mean that it finally feels like Halloween. its a shame im too old for 'trick or treating'. So whose throwing a party!? I've already got one lined up [that should be really fun...despite the hostess's complaints] but i'd be happy to add on more. I'm just in it for the candy and costumes.
well dang...i've written too much and now i need to unfortunatly go get ready for school.ugh. debating on whether or not to skip human geo...
<3 ya kiddos.