Sweet Home Alabama

May 02, 2004 21:21

Well by the title...you can only guess what this entry is gonna be about. Me and Brandy have decided to go to Alabama, but don't worry, we're not goin until I'm out of highschool (for those of you who can't take a joke)-HINT, HINT. I would love to move to Alabama, and I can't wait. I'm movin there whether people want me to or not. Brandy says, quote "I'm goin if you're goin" unquote. She's not the only one who is supportive, my sister told me to go college down there to get away from my family, so I at least have two people who are behind me. So if anyone wants to get ahold of me after highschool, I'll be down in Alabama, gimme a holler. Me and Brandy are gonna live together...and for those of you with the wrong idea runnin through your head...toss it. Roommates, not friends w/ benefits, get outta' 'o my grill...I aint got no burgers cookin. I think that we'd be good roommates, just because we're so much alike. We're both clean, we both like to cook, we both laugh at ALL the same stuff, and we both have our stupid moments. EX: 1. Loitering: stealing things out of a store after a tornado hits. 2. "Montana's a state?". Those are just some of the funny incidents that happen because we're cool like that. Well I hope you leave your thoughts...and they better be positive and happy or I'm deleting it off my journal...so stick that in your toilet and flush it.
-See ya later, partner.
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