May 20, 2005 15:49
I really hope I can get my dreads tomorrow. I don't understand why everyone's just randomly so into them. Not that I'm annoyed. I actually kind of like it. I guess that's the way society works...haha. When I first wanted them (last summer, Dana's so pretty.) I thought NOBODY would have them and I was so excited just to think that I'd get them someday. But I'm impatient so now I'm getting extensions. Anyways. As soon as I start planning on getting dreads, everybody's like "Dude, why are you getting dreads? EVERYBODY has dreads now." And it's just...weird. C'mon people, let me have my fun. Why do people have to tell me that I'm "following"? All you people who are like that can eat my bag, baby. What the fuck did I just say? Anyways. I'm seeing StarWars III with Andy and a couple of his friends tomorrow night probably. Woo... Yeah we're not camping anymore.