24th Memory [Voice/Possible Action]

Dec 19, 2011 23:45

[Unfortunately for Sayo, she didn't exactly... walk back in from the draft; she'd gotten herself into quite the mess there, resulting in wing so busted up that it had to be removed regardless, and thanks to that she was suffering from an awful fever and couldn't really move. So. Instead of returning home, she had to stay at the clinic. Most times she was able to get enough medication that she unnaturally drifted off in and out of restfulness. Laying on her side helped, too.

She thinks about familiar faces-during her stay in the medical tent, she remembered brief, strangely illuminated visages of different people. There was Nami, and then Raine, and then the man who'd helped her, and more than that. She even recollects seeing Mithos and Ginko and Kaji, but... she realizes reality deviated like a fork in those moments.

More than anything, she wants to talk to people, thinking about that sort of thing. She reaches over, smoothing out her journal at her side, before she hesitantly turns it on. Her voice is controlled, soft.]


Is... Um. [She swallows hard, clearing her throat.] Did everyone return alright? I hope not too many people were injured... I know I saw quite a few injuries, but I hope they were nothing too severe. If you were hurt, please let me know you're doing well.

[She smiles, unseen by the screen, which is covered with a pillow.]

Something wonderful did happen, though. I actually dreamed, the other night; it really is an amazing thing, isn't it? Being able to see such clear images in your mind... It was so wonderful. I know there are bad dreams, too... But... But I like the good ones. I could see people in them-even if I miss them and they're not here, I'm glad I was able to see them.

[She laughs softly.]

I guess it's a strange thing to talk about.


She has to make sure. Has to check. If he's back....]

[Voice // Filtered 30% to Mithos]


Mithos...? Are you there?

[Other than that? She'll be here for a few days recuperating. Reading from her notebooks when she can, steadily gaining some strength, having to re-learn a lot of notes she'd written up before she'd gotten injured. You can visit her on any ol' day later in the week, up until the 22nd; she might just ask you to teach her about this... checkers thing. :|a

It's been sitting on her table and she is intensely curious about it, okay.]

at least her memory's doing okay, r&r, this draft sort of sucked

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