Jan 31, 2005 11:01
my weekend broken down
saturday night: on the way to this indian convention(thats what i like to call it)my mom starts yelling at me because she's pms'y. i really didn't care, because it comes so naturally now, i kind of get scared if she DOESNT yell. anyways, so i get there (funplex) and the place is PACKED with all these pakis. why they're so ghetto i'll never know. so i meet my friend and we meet up with some of her friends and they are even ghettoer than i expected. i was scared(haha). indian people seiously have like some weird identity disorder that makes them think they're black or something. that has to be it. i think i'm one of the only sane indian people left. anyways, we walked around for an hour (which was sooooooooooooooooooooo boring i wanted to cry) i didn't wanna go roller skating because there were too many ghetto black kids there and i didn't wanna get shot.
sunday morning: i wake up and we start eating pancakes that i helped make. that made me feel not useless. then we watched a cinderella story which is such a cute movie. it is beyond hilary duff. she so is not worthy of being in a movie with chad michael murray. so we go to her pool (the neighboorhood pool) to try to get some coke because i'm ADDICTED. it turns out that the pool was closed so i had to climb over the gate which i did, but the god damn coke machine wouldn't take dollars. grrrrrrrr. so after walking around in the cold for an hour looking at model homes (don't ask) we got back and started watching the matrix. we realized it was five and we hadn't taken baths yet (EEEWWW). OK NOW THIS IS WHEN IT STARTS GETTING GOOD. i wear my friends little sister's jacket, and hear something crinkly in the pocket. i open it and saw condems(but i didn't realize that). as i was walking out of her room her little sister came and snatched them from me just as i saw what they were, and she wouldn't give them back. and her mom came up and the stupid asshole that she (the little sister) was like I'M NOT HIDING ANYTHING! and so her mom was like give me that. she found them and now she thinks my friend is a major hoebag . she was yelling at her soooo much, and is gonna take her to the doctor to see if she's telling the truth. its sad, and wrong.
Well that was my ultra weird/boring weekend.