May 14, 2011 12:43
So, the reason they're not bringing any new Ace Attorney games across the lake is because the series sold very poorly in the West.
...maybe if Capcom USA actually advertised its adventure games, this wouldn't happen. Games can't meet their quarterly quota of commercial sucess by word-of-mouth alone. Level 5's Professor Layton games actually got some advertisement and, guess what? The series became an international sucess. And AA's japanese version got plenty of ads, so people in Japan -gasp!- actually knew about it.
And don't go "baawww it doesn't fit into the hardcore/casual gamer duality that dominates USA mainstream gaming culture" at me, missie. If mainstream gamers don't want a logic-oriented kinetic novel-type murder mystery videogame heavy on text and story, maybe do a handful of ads targeted at lovers of murder mystery novels and CSI shows.
pheonix wright