the curse of the young scholar

Oct 07, 2007 20:14

::Radiates tsunamis of frustration::

::mental pause::

Is that the right way to pluralize tsunami?

I'm tired of explaining Simon's Rock.
Specifically to the people at Le Cordon Bleu, not because I'm embarrased, but because they seem to have a very short attention span about it. When I first went down there for the tour I explained it to the student rep (Mortin Schuman, he of the old man bling, of the rolex the size of a professional grade compass and the ring with 10x10 rows of tiny diamonds).
It was the whole conversation that I've had so many times:
"No I do not have a highschool degree, but I do have a Associate of Arts Degree.
Yes it IS possible.
I dropped out of Highschool after 10th grade and went to college.
Yes, they DO let you do that. They do that at the college I went to. No, You've never heard of the school.
No it was NOT an Early College program where you go while you're still in highschool, if it were I would have gotten my HS diploma along with the AA.
Yes, they ARE accredited.
Here, let me show you their website so you know I'm not making it up."
Not in so many words of course, I do juice it up some when I need to impress the person in question.
So I had this conversation with Mortin, after I got the tour and I had filled out my paper work, and as I was getting ready to leave, I went and used the bathroom, and when I came out I couldn't find Mortin, so I wandered down the hall and found him in the President's office. So I sat down with the President of the school and had the same conversation with him, and took him to the website on his flashy computer, and once he was satisfied that I was in fact NOT making the whole thing up, he said that he didn't think there would be a problem and then both he and Mortin encouraged me to apply.
So I've been bopping along, applying for a federal loan, getting physician signitures for immunization (which is more complicated, by the by, when you don't have insurance), writing the essay, etc. In this time I have had to explain Simon's Rock to: my financial aid rep, someone in the registrar's office, Mortin (he deals with lots of students), the person who walked me through my FAFSA application, someone else in the registrar's office, and Mortin (he deals with a lot of students you know).
Every time Mortin calls I have to remind him of our previous conversations, and that NO, I am not going to be sending a high school diploma, because I don't have one.
This last time we were talking about the AA credits that are going to transfer in and cover their general requirements, I'm good for everything except Speach and Economics.

This means (IMPORTANT PLOT POINT) that they got the transcript from SR, the sealed transcript, the official transcipt.

And he says to me that everything is looking good and that all I need to do now is...get in my HS diploma. So I reminded him (again) that I can't do that. So he told me that i should get moving on getting a GED. And this time I specifically reminded him of the conversation that we both had with the President, where the president told me that since I have a college diploma, I DO NOT NEED TO FURNISH THE SCHOOL WITH A HS DIPLOMA OR A GED CERTIFICATE. And he told me that this time the request was coming from "THE registrar" (as opposed to those two guys who work in the registrars office who I had already explained it to). And that we were just going to have to see who had the final say in the matter, the President of Le Cordon Bleu Minneapolis, or The Registrar of Same. And that he would get back to me on that.
So he calls on Friday, and I miss the call, and he leaves me a message:
I was correct when I said that I don't have to provide a HS diploma or a GED certificate...
::deep breath of relief::
and The Registrar told him that if I could "just have Simon's Rock mail [them] a Sealed, Original Transcript, this would all be cleared up."

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