(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 20:52

But I didn't even see it to vote for it? Maybe I can't vote for myself?

Exciting. I've never had a banner for anything before. =]

So I guess while I'm here I'll catch up a little? Lots of things going on, sort of. I've been back and forth to the shore to see Teressa and things and it's nice. I'm horribly horribly sunburned [I think sun poisoned, I have a huge blister on my back] from the beach yesterday with Lily and Brooke so all I did was lay around today. My birthday's soonish? and Teressa's having some people at her house for me, and then Harry! so lots of exciting things coming up.

I'm pretty good, I guess. Some things running and bumping into each other in my head, but talking to Lily and Brooke for like 4 hours at dinner yesterday soothed a little of that. Still thinking all the time but we'll see ...

Anyone out there? Leave me a comment, let me know what's going on in your life. I'm a little isolated from LJ land lately so catch me up =] I hope all is well.

OoTP movie in 11 days and DH in 21 days =D
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