Jan 27, 2008 12:29
Hello to everyone out there in lovely internet land, this is your ol' buddy Josh reporting in.
Yes, that random time in life has struck once more where I feel the odd and inexplicable drive to spew my story onto digital canvas and fill all you peoples in on the goings about of my day to day.
So, let's see... where shall I begin...
Well, here in Hull University we just finished events week. It's this big thing they have right after winter break when everyone else is doing exams (we're drama... we do exams differently... and less often... yay). So, basically, you audition for events week shows before break, memorize lines over the break, then come back, rehearse for one week, then put on your show in the second week. Hectic yes, but terribly fun. You're only allowed to do 3 at maximum, but sneaky ninja Josh was able to pull of being a part of four of them. I rule.
Anywho, the shows were suprisingly good... like, you wouldn't be able to tell that they were hastily put on... they all looked like legit shows. I was in:
The Producers
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy
The Cabaret
The Murder Mystery (crazy fun thing they do every year apparently where we redo the theatre to look like a manor with seperate rooms. Then, we go about and all move around doing our scenes while the audience has to walk through the manor and observe us before someone is killed. Then, they get to question us and search the house for clues... was really, really fun)
Before that I was finally able to go out and about and travel. I went to Ireland, France, Monacco, Spain, Germany, and Czech... so I'm pretty traveled out. Mike from back home went with me through a good portion of the traveling... it was really nice being able to see a familiar face from back in California and be able to talk to someone who had my accent... though I'm relatively sure that what was once my own accent is now a crazy hybrid of American and English... still need to work that off, as well as sometime ween myself off of those crazy British words and speech patterns. Traveling was nice, but I did miss my friends here in Hull.
As far as living in England goes... it's been abundantly brilliant. I have been accepted here with open arms and have made friends that I know will last a lifetime. Even though I've only known all of them for a few months, I feel just as close to them as I do to all my dearest friends at home and would trust them with everything and anything. A group of us, the C Team as we have been named (born from a 5 hour drunken discussion of what life would be like if we were bank robbers... my name is Krazy Horse.... because I'm American... it's a long story) have become particularly close. These are the godfathers of my children we're talking here. Yankees back home in California, expect many an English visitor in the few coming years... maximum hospitality will be demanded.
In the term approaching I'll be doing Angels in America, We Will Rock You... and I heard rumor that someone was putting on a quasi illegal production of Rent... which would be crazy ass cool.
Despite my having a good time here and being already reluctant to leave, I still strongly miss everyone back home. It's hard not having any contact with people (stupid time difference), and I thank god for the internet being able to fill me in on the lives of those I love. Please, everyone, let me know if you're planning on making a visit to ye olde Europe, as I really would love to see you. I look forward to many adventures in the future :)
So, till next time, this is Josh signing out-
hugs, kisses, and spoons