APPLICATION: The Spider's Walk

Aug 19, 2009 16:34


NAME: Elle
AGE: 22
PERSONAL LJ: noelleno
EMAIL ADDRESS: tyrannical.alien at gmail
AIM SCREENAME: annontaka
EXPERIENCE RPing: kakistocrati, verinthia, capeandcowl, years of aim-based log-rp...

NAME: Isaac Dian
TIMELINE: After the incidents on the Flying Pussyfoot (it's spread all throughout the series so I can't give an episode number)
CANON ABILITIES: Supremely lucky, apparently.

A ball of undying energy and optimism, Isaac Dian is a man who laughs behind danger's back...and has no qualms with running away screaming like a girl when danger looks over its shoulder at him. He oozes confidence (most of the time), effortlessly spinning tales of patchwork truths and bullshit, revelling in his own legends. He is an idiot. A good-hearted idiot, but still.

As ridiculous and outgoing as he is, there does seem to be some underlying common sense (that tends to get cast aside in more emotional moments) that drives him to steer his young partner, Miria Harvent, away from the things that could directly hurt her. And then go directly back into planning a heist that could land the both of them in deep trouble. So it's a kind of...selective common sense. That is usually toggled off.

He speaks loftily of his goals and ambitions, but at the end of the day, the guy seems to be happy just where he is, with friends and good food/drink.

There's not a whole lot of background on this wanted criminal. Isaac and Miria drew the attention of national law enforcement when it was discovered that they were behind the theft of the Genoard family inheritance. Before then, they seemed to only pick trivial, unusual things to steal. Candy, costumes...a museum door...They were never very brilliant, as far as theives go--but their eccentricities seemed to be their advantage. Reports of baseball players, Santa Claus, or other such absurd things stealing goods followed them as they went forth.

Soon enough, though, they decided they were going to make up for all their theiving by doing good. order to bring happiness back to Eve Genoard, they stole the thing that was causing her grief: the family money. Most of their heists from then on involved taking from the big, bad mafia-men, likening themselves to Robin Hood or the sort. They did come across a strange package, though...(It was an elixer that grants immortality to the drinker, and, without knowing it, they drank it down. And passed it around to Firo's crew. Isaac and Miria are immortal, but they have no idea.)

They were riders on the famed train called the Flying Pussyfoot, which was the source of several mysterious incidents and murders. There Isaac made friends with the good-hearted gangsters Jacuzzi Splot and Nice Hollystone, the paranoid immortal child Chez Meyer, and were running back and forth from car to car, trying to hunt down the mysterious Rail Tracer that haunted the cars.

Safe and sound from the incident (and none the wiser), Isaac and Miria reunited with old friends and partied down. And then went off to their next absurd scheme. And that's where I'll be picking him up.

HOW DIFFERENT DO YOU WANT THE MEMORIES TO BE FROM THEIR CANON? Of the cast he met in the show, the only one he'll remember is Miria. Because Miria is basically the second half of his brain. As far as he knows, they're in New York looking for the next job to pull in order to get the funds for their multi-pool mansion in Florida.

PLANS FOR YOUR CHARACTER: This guy lives to make friends while also giving the mob massive migraines. 8)


The mask was stifling, and judging from the bewildered looks on the store clerks' faces, it was keeping me from being clear. That wasn't good. I lifted the faceplate of my samurai helmet off and gave them a smile ("smile and the world smiles back"--I heard that somewhere, but I don't think it's very true. They weren't smiling at all because we were robbing them!).

"Just put the goods in the bag!" I repeated, pointing to Miria as she repeated me. We're the absolute, most perfect team! I would've shed a tear of pride if there was time for such things. I'd remember to do that later whenever we told somebody about it.

For some reason, the clerks still didn't understand. So I repeated myself, and Miria repeated me repeating myself, and they continued to stare until one finally had the courage to ask what goods we wanted.

Good question.

"Aaahhh! Just put all of these in!" I waved to the display of chocolate before us. It was all good, anyway! Except for the yellow ones. "Except for the yellow ones!"

Miria echoed the demand with such ferocity--no wonder they were so shocked! She was the perfect little geisha, except she's American and speaks English! Which made it better, because I could understand her! Just a few more boxes, and we'd be good to go.


These books are like telephones for our pens! We need more pens so we can use them more! Once we get those we can have 2 conversatons at 1 time!!

We'll be so organized! Lists and names! Names of all the people who make lists here too! So that we don't confuse their lists for ours.

QUICK! What do we need lists of??

