Feb 19, 2009 18:28
So I have been thinking for a long time how I need to write in this thing….and now I finally am.
My life has been pretty good. I have really liked this semester a lot. I feel that it’s going pretty smoothly. I have some really great teachers. Dr. Murphy who has been here forever is awesome….he makes me think more about why I am doing something and how it pertains to my life. And he is also the cutest old man and wears a beret. My other studio teachers are these adorable Asian women (one is Korean and the other is Chinese) who giggle a lot and the TA is a really big black guy with Georgia accent. The contrast is awesome. But they are excellent teachers. This studio has me redesigning this really crappy plaza on campus with the corny name of “Diversity Plaza”. My design is soooo much better than the original….so much so that I am going to submit it to the board as a potential plan for the new plaza. And not too mention, I am kicking my horticulture class ass and becoming a champion memorizer of Latin names. I had a plant on my quiz today called a Nipple Cacti (Scientific Name: Mammelaria spp., Family: Cactaceae. BAM). It’s okay to laugh at the name cause I giggled like a little schoolgirl.
This week we had this really intense evangelical minister come to campus and preach in one of the main plazas. He was yelling at everyone telling them they deserved hell and calling people name such as “Lezzys” (lesbians) and saying they have gay cooties and so he refuses to touch them. But of course he would not listen to you even if you argued a very valid point even using scripture. He would interrupt you and tell you were wrong no matter what. So I was standing there watching this debacle and this crying girl comes up saying he is humiliating her religion, he then precedes to cuts her down and then in response she starts singing “Amazing Grace” and then he starts singing it too and then the crowd of about 40 starts singing it too….thats when I bailed. But come to find out that yesterday he made some students very angry and they threw an egg at him. Amazing. Sad.
So my school’s newspaper is the suckiest paper I have ever read in my life. BACON Bits was soooo much better than the Battalion (it even won a national award for excellence. What?!?!). For Valentine’s Day there was an article on how students at A&M are way more conservative about sex and that we don’t do it as often as other public colleges. The article then urged Aggies to have more sex and have fun with it. (fun fact: Texas Tech has its own strain of some STD….syphilis or something like that) There was also an awesome article by some paranoid Corp guy when Obama won the election that we are now a communist nation and that gays will be getting married everywhere and the liberals are taking over.
I was at a bookstore the other day with my brother and while he was looking for the book I promised to get him, I was wandering through the aisles looking at books. I was in the more risqué aisle with all the sex books and I started leafing through one that was meant to be a silly book on really funny and impossible sex positions. Then my brother comes back with his book. A woman who worked there was standing 20 ft. away yelled very loudly “Can I help you?!” Which scared the be-jesus out of me and I turned towards her and stared wide-eyed and mumbled “no” in a very defensive way as she stared me down like I was an evil little child. I proceeded to put the book down not knowing what to do as she called the manager for “backup”. I was going to stay and argue that I was perfectly legal to be looking at whatever damn book I wanted if she and the manager had come up, but the store was closing and we had to go. Which is too bad because I was so incredibly embarrassed and angry that I would have torn them a new one. I guess it didn’t help that I was wearing pigtail braids in the first place. Also the other night I had a very drunk girl shove her beer in my face and telling me to drink up and get as wasted as her. She then proceeded to get all up in my business hugging me and telling me how cute and tiny I was. Sweet.
The End.
Leslie Snyder
your momma