Jan 31, 2006 13:35
i was thinking about reviews of things today. i am mostly thinking about how people opinions are normally so subjective that it is hard to get a fair read on anything. lets take how i always am writing about the terrible movies i subject myself too, (the latest being match point, which i thought could have been so much better), and then i rant about what was wrong with them and how the world may possibly end because i thought they should never have been made. well perhaps that is unfair of me. the reasons being that perhaps i did not like shop girl because i hold claire danes to a higher standard (which has honestly not been met since my so called life) PLUS the fact that when i was twelve i had an idea on how one should tie their shoes and steve martin did not tie his shoes in that way and for some reason the movie reminded me of something to do with that, thus ruining it. if that makes no sense, lets try: i dislike vin diesel movies without exception because i associate them with high school boys and when i was in high school i was tormented by said boys, thus solidifying my opinion of vin diesel forever. the guy could give a performance unmatched by any other and i probably would still dislike him because of the association pimply, horny 15year olds. granted i may be able to recognize a good vin diesel performance (although that is unlikely to happen) but i would still not be able to give him any respect as a talented actor(duh.)
now i understand my saying this will not change anyones mind about what they like and do not like and i realize i am not the first person to come up with the idea that we associate things with other things thus form all our opinions through a small bank of experiences from our formative years. but i think there is a real danger in forgetting that our opinion is just an opinion and not actually the truth.
if anyone can somehow prove to me that their opinion is the "true" one i may shake your hand, but i wouldn't hold my breath that you would be able to because convincing me of anything is actually pretty challenging. when it comes down to it, i really don't buy into anything, including someones opinion on what movies and music i should listen to, let alone someones opinion on why we are actual beings and not figments of imagination.
so the moral is, don't take my word for anything, take yours. it will be much more satisfying that way.