Spring Break.

Mar 17, 2006 11:21

Spring break has been non stop.. good and bad.
Friday i had work with dwaine and this is the first time i am seeing him since pay called me. so i'm nice to him at first and all. i don't think we were full on fighting but argueing a lot. our mang told us we needed to go outside if we were gunna fight. so pay (his gf) came in and sat there all fucking night. w.e so dwaine and i didn't talk from lk 7 till about 11 that night where i told him i think we do better when we don't talk at all. he took me seriously. but pay's mom came in and sat and started at me and at first i didn't notice cz we were busy but when ilooked up they both were stairing at me so i started laughing.. in their faces. i know rude but i couldn't help it. shes gunna come get her mom on me hahah. so when i started laughing they left. but pay left her stuff to make it seem lk she was coming back. but she didn't. melissa and cory came in and i showed them the messages from dwaine and told them everything. which later i found out he was bragging to melissa that he was talking to me. but cory (calling himslef my big brother <3 ) bitched dwaine out. and i don't think dwaine ever really has been mad at me except for that he lk idk.. he was really mad that i would tell melissa and cory and i just looked at him and was lk did you really think that i wouldn't tell htem!? come on. and he was lk but i tell them shit. and i was lk wtf? i can tell my big brother and his wife shit. so shut the fuck.. uggghh... so i went to bed about 2 am that night and got woken up from britt at 6 am cz she was leaving for spain. then i was up after that for comp. which i found out jessica threatened pay in class the day b4. cz she had found out about me she was telling jess she was gunna beat my ass and get all these people to jump me and jess said she told her that im a gwynn and if she fucks with me she fucks wiht all of us... so yeah pay then got ISS that day.. hah. so at comp.. jamie was being the BIGGEST BITCH EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg. i hit myself in the neck with my riffle and i'm sorry but i couldn't breathe and she is yelling at me to get back in. fuck that. then she yelled at me about having an attitude and how i'm not concentrating and i looked at her and i was jus lk i'm sorry i don't think i've messed my work up yet. now have i? and yeah wow.... so david's lil fucking ex gf is gunna get her ass beat. while we were preforming that bitch and her friend were yelling shit at jess. wtf?! i seriously thought about running up the blechers and beating her ass but we would have been disqualified and it would hav been my fault. one of her friends came to us and said sorry for them. so they are lucky. i left early to go to work. we got 3rd at comp. i called it. i'm so good. but work with dwaine again.. wow. it started out with not even talking because of what was said the day before. it took me prolly about 4 hours to get him to talk to me normally. and right when we were back to normal.. kinda. pay walks in. with this big black grl.. wtf?! not again. rihgt? nah she didn't do shit. but still. so that night i went to bed about 1 am.. got up.. went to work.. told melissa and cory about the weekends events.. she talked to my dad about it. ugh :( oh yeah my gran found out about dwaine and bitched me out cz he is black.. wow. so after i got off work i went home changed and got int he car for bithlo my fam from texas was down. i think i went to bed that ngiht about 12. hmm. watched my lil sis all day monday and went out wiht my mom shannon matthew and amanda that ngiht. shannon told me richie wants me to meet his frined grayson.. right? she was lk richie was talking about you really good to him. (which means a lot to me cz richie baby sat me when i was little and his opinion of me really matters) well this kid is 20.. haha so i told shan i would meet him and at least be frineds with him. so anyway out at dinner.. umm pay's big black frined from the store 2 nights ago decided to take dwaines fone and call me.. wow. wtf~?!?!??!?!?!??!?! ugh. so shes lk i just wanted to let you know i don't have a prob with you blah blah and iw as lk um cz there isnt anything to have a prob wiht. and she was just kinda stunned and didn't say anything. i was lk is there anythign else i can help you with cz if not i'd lk to get back to dinner wiht my fam. k thnaks. and hung up. so tues. i went out with muh dad. we went bowling as a fam. my dad and i fought the whole time. lk idk. it was bad. then fucking pay calls me.. wtf!?!?!??!? some girl called her from a restricted number sayinf she was going to beat the living fuck out of her and her bf blah blha blah she wanted to know if it was me.. i said no cz it wasn't and basically i sat and talked to her about her and dwaines probs. man i'm so fucking nice. man. so then wednesday was danny's bday.. i went to the beach with my fam. danny went to the beac w. his frineds. but despite everything i'm really just glad he had a great bday! well dwaine got arrested this day too. andnnnddd pay was fucking happy. wtf?! if your bf is going to get arrested and they are telling him he is going to be in there for a while cz of other shit. you don't run around happy and jumping anf laughing.. but she did. she also deleted my num out his fone. so when i went to work on thursday you knwo people talk shit. and they said he was still in jail. so i decdied to find out the truth. i text him and told him not to beind over.. hahaah and he knew it was me. and called me half asleep to tell me i was mean. hahah. and last ngiht i found out a lot of shit. i started out working w. julio. btu then his brother got hurt and he had to go so piere and curtis came in. i hadn't meet curtis but he is one of dwaine's friends i knew this. so i was lk hey whats ur name and he was lk curtis and iwas lk do you knwo who i am? and he was lk ha. yeah everyone does. i was lk wha? so he then explained to me that all dwaines frineds know who i am and that dwaine was bragging about talking to me and thats how pay found out and all this shit. i also found out that pay read a message from dwaine to me sayign he loves me and would do anything for me and that when we get married and have kids blah blah.. he told pay and everyone that asks him he doesn't want to get married. ever. or have kids. and pay got mad cz he told her he doesn't believe in love hes not getting married and hes not having kids and within knowing me for 3 weeks he told me and all his frinds he loves me he wasnts to marry me and give me kids. wow. dwaine and i are supposed to talk about everything our feelings his and pay and me and hima nd idk.. it hink there is something really wrong wiht me because for some strange reason i care a lot for this boy. a lot. :( its not even lk a i loke him i want to be with him care its lk over all i just feel and care deeply for this boy. so talking to piere and melissa and curtis i found out she "loves" him and i really don't want ot be in the middle of that even tho i am already i just think it would be best for them to work things out. so he called me and called yest and i felt really bad so i told him i couldn't talk to him about it cz it would just start shit and i didn't think he needed that rite now. and he asked me bout prom. and i just flat out said no. cz for a long while now i've picture my prom w. one person. and i don't think that going w. someone else would be the same for me. idk i've just for a whle always picture it us. but who knows. so i have work again today sat and sun and then i guess school on monday i really don't know when we got back to school. i should figure that out. ha.
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