New house pics

Dec 07, 2009 21:11

Yesterday I had a little lie down and fell asleep while Drew went to the shops. I heard him come back and bustle around but went back to sleep. When I got up he had put up a Christmas tree and lights!!

Here is the evidence:

Plus, fake snow!

There are a few more pics of the new house at:

Was in Sheffield this weekend. It was great, and reminded me of all the things I love about Sheffield - people I like, a brilliant independent cinema, best indie night in the country, being able to walk to places, a pub with proper ciders, pints at £1.50, vintage shops, even hills - and everything I hate about London - loneliness, people being hours and hours away even in the same city, no local cinema (seriously, Shepherd's Bush, five tube stops and a bus ride away, is the closest), no indie nights I like and can get home in under two hours from.

At least we have a lovely house though, and I have a lovely boyfriend who is creative with a star stencil and snow spray.
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