Sep 20, 2010 17:28
From Betrayal of Science and Reason by Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1996):
"We're not running out of energy, but (quoting John Holdren) 'we are running our of environment, patience with inequity, money for sustainability, time for making a transition, and leadership to do what is required.'" (pg. 94-95)
"Dioxin also leaches into food stored in paper or cardboard containers (such as milk cartons)....Intake through the skin can come from contact with herbicides and possibly with household paper products such as diapers and toilet tissue." (pg. 167)
Later in the book is does say that paper-bleaching processes have been altered (since 1990) to reduce dioxin in milk cartons (pg. 169), but the quote makes it sound like skin adsorption from toilet paper is merely a possibility and not confirmed. So basically, there's a lot of questions about that. I'd be interested to find out some more current information on this, either the policy or the science. Something to do if I ever have free time.
Overall, this book would be more useful if it discussed how completely false statements about the environment are spread so easily, and why the groups that spread them have been so successful in their goals.
general exam reading