I'm the kind of girl that has eaten ice cream for dinner on multiple occasions, so it comes as little surprise that I was craving sweets a few minutes ago. And what better way is there to satisfy a sweets craving than chocolate? I don't have chocolate bars or chocolate cake or chocolate cookies, but we do have a giant bag of chocolate chips that was given to my brother-in-law by his grandmother. Generic chocolate is a bit waxy for my tastes, but I figured they'd do. I grabbed a handful and everything was going fine at first. Semi-sweet, semi-delicious goodness! But when I put the last few chocolate chips in my mouth and bit down, I was met with a burst of shooting pain. I immediately spit the chocolate out. Yup, there was blood mixed in with it. I don't know how it's physically possible, but apparentally the chocolate chips cut the roof of my mouth. My mouth bled for about three or ten hours before I finally got it to stop. Here is an artist's likeness of the main offender.
Seriously, I've had my mouth cut by sharp corn chips and the like, but how can a couple of chocolate chips cut your mouth?