YES! My LAST entry from Beddow Hall at CMU! :)!

May 01, 2006 23:05

I haven’t updated in forever… so I’ll just tag this baby…

Let’s start with this past weekend. By far, THE BEST weekend of my life since like, the retreat in October. Hands down. Friday was our Lifegroup end of the year barbecue. Liz came down, of course. We (the boys lifegroup plus my group and a few other family members we couldn’t leave out!) went to Island park and it was just a total blast. We played two rounds of intense capture the flag and hide and seek in Timber town (the castle-like wooden playground… you know.) and hot dogs and ice cream at Doozies. A great day. Then a great night when we went back to Amanda’s dorm. Manda, Liz, Carolyn, and I all ate dinner at Pizza Hut and then came back and dragged in the tv and dvd player into the bedroom and watched In Her Shoes.

Saturday, I got ready with Amanda… we had some great girly time curling hair and whatnot. Liz came and we went to Open the Door: The His House Banquet. Not only was the banquet itself really awesome… but Matt (our pastor) requested donations from the parents and adults there. The university church is really new to the His House Fellowship. It’s been leased to them and the lease is about to go up in July so if we don’t raise enough money, we lose that church and we’re back to Pearce 127. Which would just suck because that church is our home. So anyways, Matt has to raise $30,000 by July (i think) to buy the building and asked for help Saturday night. First, he raised $28,000 and some hundred dollars!!! PLUS!!! After the banquet, he received a letter from this family that just thanked Matt and CMU His House for being such a blessing in their family and turning their lives around and such and the guy that wrote the letter said he would MATCH WHAT MATT EARNED SATURDAY NIGHT!!!! Isn’t that amazing? So His House made well over enough. God works in incredible ways in peoples’ hearts. I love the His House community and I’m so excited to see what becomes of it in the next few years.

Anyway, so after the banquet (mind you, it’s about 10:30), Amanda’s mom, Amanda, Liz, and I all come back to the dorm to get our sweats and bundle-up clothes on for the GLOBAL NIGHT COMMUTE!!! ( After all the confusion at the Men’s House and getting rides organized with Jeremy, I believe we arrived at Island Park in Lansing at around Midnight (by then, many had been there since 7 pm, but we had our banquet.) I had a little fun. I mean, I wasn’t expecting it to be “fun.” I was expecting a good learning experience and some Christian fellowship and all of that, but I don’t think anyone really thought it would be fun. We got there and there were lots of people, I think about 200 at our location. My group organized our sleeping arrangements (which was a difficult mission in and of itself, let me tell you)… we sung in worship a bit and prayed and then we spent the rest of the time writing our letters to Bush and the senators and doing an art project. The art is going to be compiled in a book and given to the leaders of the country, the participants that order them, and (best of all) the children will see them too. That is what made me feel great. They will get to see all of the millions of people that care about them and are trying to save them. Not just in America, but all over the world. My art was pretty cool, I must say. I was proud of myself. It had a big “1” on it and next to it said a bunch of words so there was one “1” and all these words to say like “One body. One child. One life. One heart. One heartbeat. One world. One voice. One God.” And then under all that it said “united as one for 1.7 million BEAUTIFUL faces.” I’ll post a pic of it later with the rest of them. It’s cool.

Sleeping was not fun. It wasn’t supposed to be, obviously. But Derek, Kelly, Mike, Chris, Jeremy, Liz, Amanda, and I packed together like sardines and tried to keep warm. It was hard to get everyone to calm down. By the time we slept, we had two hours until sunrise. Needless to say, Sunday was a LONNNNG day. Overall, though the experience is one I won’t forget and wouldn’t trade for anything. And the whole weekend was the BESTEST last weekend at college a girl could ever have. Pictures will be posted AS SOON as I am in Livonia on Wednesday (my digi's cord got packed away with my computer and is now at home.)

So… It’s finally the end of my freshman year. One more final left to go tomorrow afternoon and I’m out of here… and I honestly could NOT be happier. It’s been a great year, but it’s just time to go. I’m ready. Ready for some crazy fun this summer.

On a not-so-optimistic note: I’m still battling stomach problems and two weekends ago, for three days, I couldn’t keep anything down. That Friday, I was in the hospital and that night, I was home. The doc has decided that there is nothing medically wrong with me and has diagnosed me with Anxiety Disorder (the overall cause of all of this junk) and I go to the psychiatrist on my first day of summer break, this Thursday. Oddly enough, I’m taking it quite well and I’m actually just kinda “what ev” about it.

May 20th is Cedar Point!!! My vehicle is full but if you’re interested in getting another together (Amanda! Nicole!) let me know! We’re trying to get a massive caravan to go down, so seriously, if you’re free and you’ve got a passion for roller coasters, gimme a call.

Last but not least, I’ve registered for Fall classes. My schedule is as follows:
11:00 - 12:00 - Intermediate Composition
12:00 - 1:00 - Social Problems
2:00 - 3:00 - Male/Female Communications
9:30 - 11:00 - Developmental Psychology
1:00 - 2:00 - Library and Research (Ends Oct 20th)
NIGHT 6:00 - 9:00 - Nutrition
11:00 - 12:00 - Intermediate Composition
12:00 - 1:00 - Social Problems
2:00 - 3:00 - Male/Female Communications
9:30 - 11:00 - Developmental Psychology
1:00 - 2:00 - Library and Research (Ends Oct 20th)
11:00 - 12:00 - Intermediate Composition
12:00 - 1:00 - Social Problems

See you all in Livonia verrrrry soon!
Hello summer! YAYYYY!

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