Jul 24, 2009 10:32

Hahahahaha! I totally just thought of that. That's the funniest shite I've ever thought of! hahahah. NINJA BOOBS! hahahahahaha!

EDIT: My most bodacious dudette friend, Annie, has brought it to my attention that I most heinously didn't credit her. EPIC FRICKEN FAIL, DUDES! She helped me think of NINJA BOOBS! hahahaha! There you go Annie. Surfin the tube!

In other news, my most esteemed compadre, Rob has stopped making porn sites. You'd think it'd be a bummer, but it's totally AWESOME SAUCE!


He's getting his shite together at the moment and on the side giving me a hand with my ultimate torrent search engine! Bitchin' hellz fuckin yea! I've been working on it for years.

And 2 nights ago, Nathan reminded me of our amigo, Jamal. He is the most righteous brah! He's a snowboarding instructor and his signature phrase is "That's Butter"! I'm all like "Bodacious!" And he's all like "That's Butter!" hahahaha. Such an excellent brah.

So this past winter I continued my most excellent quest to become the most gnarly snowboarder. Hit the pipe a coupla times. Was totally sweet, dudes. This season I'm just hangin out on my skateboard.

get me some timbits

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