Feb 02, 2009 18:23
If I could, or if I had to?
Given the choice to relive a day - any day - over and over again, I would decline. That isn’t to say I haven’t had incredibly happy days that I delight in remembering, but I can’t imagine reliving them would turn out well. Events and details I remember fondly, the memories I call to mind when I need a smile, would wither under the microscope of repeated visitation. At the very least, I would eventually get bored, and that’s sad.
There is, of course, the option to relive some day and change it. I don’t think I want to do that, either. There are a few days where I can pinpoint the exact moment I made the wrong choice in a given situation. And even though they make me cringe, I wouldn’t undo any of them. Trite? Vague? You betcha. But seriously. Every choice in life is like a tiny fork in your path, and I don’t think I’d change where mine has taken me. Much like the famed butterfly of chaos theory, who knows where something as simple as a conversation or a kiss might have sent me.
If I had to pick a day, I think I would just pick a random Saturday where I slept in late and did something fun with my friends. If I have to repeat a day over and over again, it sure as hell had better not be one where I have to work. Definitely a Saturday. Preferably one right after payday. I could live (and relive) with that.
groundhog day,
writer's block