Oct 26, 2006 23:49
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more excited about this film (The Fountain), Jesse's damn Wired magazine shows up with an article about Aronofsky and his new film. It was like, the man read my mind…umm, before I thought the things he read...and turned it into a movie.
Ok, some explanation. I first saw the preview for the upcoming feature The Fountain before seeing Lady in the Water. This was also the day I saw previews for The Prestige (also Hugh Jackman) and Children of Men, and Lady totally didn’t live up to the trailers that preceded it. Basically, it was the day I joined David in truly appreciating the art of a good trailer; but that’s neither here nor there. Most relevantly, it was the day I began to seriously hype The Fountain. The trailer wowed me that much (or rather, I was like “That will either be the dumbest thing ever or the greatest thing ever, and it all depends on the director).
Then I found out who the director was: Darren Aronofsky, of Pi and Requiem for a Dream fame (don’t worry if you’ve never heard of him, those are very artsy films, just know he’s very, very, very talented; the next Kubrick). Good director? Check. Good actors? Hugh Jackman (not Grant)? Check. (he’s seriously in everything this year). Sweet.
Now I find out that Aronofsky, who’s been working on this movie for about 6 years, shares my growing dislike of computer effects. Don’t get me wrong, most of Lord of the Rings was good and all, but computer effects have become not only a crutch, they LOOK BAD. I mean, look at Jurassic Park. Coolest thing ever, 13 years ago. These days, though, it’s starting to show its technology, and it was probably the best done CG of the last decade. Don’t get me started on Star Wars; fan boy I may be, but damnit, Yoda looked more real in 1981 than he does in Revenge of the Sith. I keep my dislike for obviously fake effects quiet because, well, I’m a Sci-Fi / fantasy fanboy. But I wish people could do today what Kubrick did in 1968, almost 40 years ago: make effects that last. Apparently, Aronofsky thinks the same way. “No matter how good CGI looks at first, it dates quickly…But 2001 really holds up. So I set the ridiculous goal of making a film that would reinvent space without using CGI.”
w00t. Look at the trailer (ignore anything you don’t like, I don’t wanna hear it, the movie’s gonna rock) and look at the parts in the future. All that was done with water, oils, other liquids they don’t mention, and a seriously high magnification lens. I can’t wait to see it all in motion. It will rock.
Now I know I couldn’t be more excited.