(no subject)

May 17, 2004 01:36

so...... yeah. not the best weekend.
i got stood up by the same girl, twice. first on friday, then again on saturday. i suppose the old adage rings true: "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me." in any case, i doubt i'll be seeing her any more. but somehow i'm walking away from this wohle thing feeling like I'M the jerk. which definitely isn't the case, at least not this time.
anyway, it was probably for the better that my plans for friday were cancelled, because i could barely see straight from my headaches. i spent most of the evening reading one of the three books i've purchased about migraines, then spent an hour or so poking around online support communities for people who suffer from cluster headaches. if i sound as if i'm getting a little obsessive over this, i apologize sincerely. i suppose the best way i can describe it is like this: imagine you're in a room that's on fire. no matter what else you have to deal with or think about, if the room is on fire, you need to focus all your energy and attention on putting out the fire. that's how i feel about my headaches - i can't NOT pay attention to them. they trump just about everything. believe me, i'll be the happiest fella in the world when they're yesterday's news, which hopefully will be soon. in the meantime, i hope y'all don't mind about me constantly using my journal as a way to bitch and moan about it. but in all honesty this is a pretty intensely scary and depressing time for me and i need a way to vent - and hell, it's my journal, yes? besides, i'm long past thinking there's any sort of shame or stigma attached to my headaches, because i know that they're physical in nature and because i'm damn sure that if anybody else were in my shoes, getting headaches like the ones i get, they'd be panicking and freaking out too. that much i'm positive of.
so the little piece of good news is, my neurologist appointment is 9 days away and counting. and in the meantime i'm doing my best to surround myself with positive-thinking, supportive people who are willing to cut me some slack if i haven't quite been myself lately. it's a little bit of solace to know that i've been through this once before and i'll be able to make it through this again, however fucking miserable and hellish it may be. but i'll say this - for all of you reading this, i hope from the bottom of my heart that you never, ever, ever get headaches like the ones i get. it's like nothing you could possibly imagine.

okay - now that i've vented, i've got a favor to ask all of you. asobi seksu made a video for the song "walk on the moon," which just got posted on mtv.com - pretty fucking huge. this is a REALLY critical week for us if we're going to get the video into constant rotation on mtv2, and a lot of the decision is based on mtv's stats of how many people view the video on their site. so if you (or your friends) have a few minutes, please please please go take a look at the video:


since the band and i made this ourselves, and 99% of you probably haven't seen this before, you're in for a treat. i'm pretty proud of this. watch it over and over and help get asobi seksu on MTV2!


n.p. hopewell
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