'Verse: Mythverse
Characters: Phoenix Wright (Krystal), Toshirou Hijikata (KB)
Rating/Warnings: PG? PG-13? For violence? Oh, and for Phoenix's parents having no creativity when it comes to names.
Content: Phoenix finds a werewolf in his living room. Hijinks ensue, involving old legends, a terrorist group that's after Phoenix, and this particular werewolf's total lack of social graces.
It had been a long day.
Phoenix Wright had followed every lead he could come up with, and felt no closer to discovering the one who had murdered his mentor. There was simply no more he could do. He would just have to go into the trial tomorrow and rely on the witnesses to gain the clues he needed to find the truth.
The murder was just so bizarre, Phoenix thought, as he turned the key to his small apartment. He didn't want to jump to the conclusion that it was done by someone inhuman -- that was just asking for trouble. He didn't see how it could be otherwise, though, and that would complicate this particular case beyond all hope. There were so many, now that they had been forced out of hiding.... But the real problem wasn't the number of were-humans, but the variety. Proving just who did it was going to be a headache, but at least he'd cleared the defendant's name.
Now he just had to find the kille --
Phoenix stopped dead in his tracks.
Right there, bold as brass, in the middle of his living room, was a giant wolf.