more random shit

Dec 01, 2005 11:47

The first player in the game posts his/her "five weirdest habits", then he/she tags five new people to do the same.

1. I wear pretty much the same outfit everyday. jeans and a sweatshirt. i have multiple pairs of jeans and sweatshirts, but basically its the same damn thing everyday.

2. I eat random stuff at random times. i don't believe in cereal in the morning, etc. this morning i ate humus and crackers...i did brush my teeth afterwards though ;)

3. I am obsessive about keeping all of the music on my computer orgainized...i've probably wasted 20 hours or more just organizing that shit. (if you have an ipod you might understand this more)

4. I do everything in my power to whiten my teeth. I have whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, and whitening matter how white my teeth get i won't be happy until they blind people.

5. I usually shower at least twice a day...if i don't i just feel gross.

Tagging: beatles536, ascendant, bailee_erin, seepdeepbluehue, anmo86
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