(no subject)

Sep 18, 2010 18:58

Half of you want to give them the bum's rush and half of you can't wait to waste your scratch on them. Isn't that just like a small town.

Hell, why don't we start our own little freak show. We've enough winos, welchers and crackpots to fill a baker's dozen carnivals.

Samantha, you're stayin' at home if I've got to lock you in your room. Step foot under those tents and I'll know it, girl, and you know I will.

[[OOC: TOWN HARLOT REPRESENT. Murphy (now Estelle Olsen) is Cissie's unwed mother, who got preggo last time the carnival was in town. OOPS. She also tends the bar at the local speakeasy that exists but doesn't really cough cough cough. She might be the town's best source of gossip, but she also knows all of yours. DAMNED HYPOCRITICAL NOGOODNIKS. She hates you all. :C]]

breach: freakshow, barge fuckery is like being at home

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