18 - It's still the 4th in Chicago - [Filtered to her friends and to McCullen]

Jul 05, 2010 00:53

All right, I don't know about the rest of you, but I could stand to blow off some steam. And it's America-Is-So-Much-Better-Than-You day, which I can't just let pass without making something explode ( Read more... )

*harry dresden, burning things for fun and... fun, wardening is srs bznz (most of the time), *cissie, *howie, *mccullen, *sam tyler, *prentiss, !spam, *open, team minivan, *gabriel, !written, do as i do and also as i say, a day in the life of karrin murphy

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Always the first to arrive. :| painhumbles July 5 2010, 05:00:48 UTC
[And lo, an angel appeared unto Murphy... Or rather about five feet behind her, because that's just how he rolls.]

Sparkle-off? Really?


:| And the last to leave. whateverthemess July 5 2010, 05:17:02 UTC
[She twitches, but that's the sum total of her reaction this time.] Sparkle-off, explode-off, I don't care, as long as it's colorful and semipatriotic. Also not ending in homicide.

[Murphy turns on her heel claps her hands.] Come on, Precious Moments. Make with the magic.


*EYEBROW WAGGLE* painhumbles July 5 2010, 05:34:30 UTC
[Gabriel places a hand over his heart and feigns a tragic look.] You wound me. Juuust tell your wizard buddy not to stand too close to the flames and we'll be fine. Personally, I think he'd look fine without eyebrows.

[At the clapping, he just looks offended.] Did you just clap at me? Do I look like Tinkerbell to you?


:| whateverthemess July 5 2010, 05:54:23 UTC
[She grins.] If I call you a fairy, do I still get my fireworks?


<3? :D? painhumbles July 5 2010, 05:56:03 UTC
[Gabriel crosses his arms over his chest and glaaaares, although he kinda looks like he's trying not to smile, so the effect is lost.] Bibbity bobbity... Hell no.


>:| whateverthemess July 5 2010, 06:05:40 UTC
Then, oh great and powerful angelic being that I can only take seriously, please oh please make with the magic. Before Cissie gets up here. [There's a mild, significant emphasis on that last bit.]


8< painhumbles July 5 2010, 06:12:32 UTC
Oh fine. If it's for the kid... [SNAP ON. Gabriel hasn't really had an opportunity to really let fly with the mojo on the Barge, considering... It inhibits most of his really potent stuff, but he can manage a little buffet and some sparklers.... And possibly break a few laws of physics, because really? Fireworks? In space? MADNESS.

That done, he spreads his arms and bows a little.]

Bow and exalt. I also take donations. [He waggles his eyebrows at her.]


8| whateverthemess July 5 2010, 06:31:48 UTC
No and no. And no. [Murphy is busy inspecting the tables and pondering.] Decorations?


painhumbles July 5 2010, 17:19:04 UTC
[Gabriel hrmphs.] Slave driver. [He cracks his knuckles over his head, making a big show of what appears to be limbering up before producing the necessary decorations.]

Most powerful thing on this tugboat and I've been reduced to your interior decorator. Don't say I don't spoil you.


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