Have an opinion.....good.

Apr 28, 2013 02:35

Originally posted by ss_interject at Have an opinion.....good.

And yet again the debate over gay marriage hits the media and again we hear the comments from both sides of the fence. I don't really understand the actual reason behind the need to actually FIGHT it though... No one is saying you can't have an opinion. Support it? Great! Don't support it? - cool, you don't have to waive the gay flag and march through the city....
So, here's the thing. If you don't support Christmas, what do you do? Chances are you don't put up a tree, decorate your house or crank up the Christmas Carols. That's it right? Or do you also spend your day trying to stop people who you've never met from celebrating the day and enjoying the festivities that they support?

There is a difference between having an opinion and trying to force others to share it. Don't get offended if people don't agree. The second you verbalise your "personal opinion", it becomes open to public debate. Gay marriage is pretty much your concern if you are gay and want to get married, if you're not gay then it's not really going to change your views.

Other religions don't question or define your faith.
Other languages don't affect your ability to speak.
Other people's dinner choice don't affect your ability to eat.

So do you really think that other people being able to marry is going to redefine your morals, how you treat your partner and your ability to function in a relationship? If that where the case, then everything you know about your relationship would change with each new person that you met. How about instead of investing energy in fighting against something that if you lose is probably not going to cause you to rally the troops to stop the changes that it has made in your life; you focus on your own relationships and consider what some nurturing, quality time might do for it.

You most definitely have your rights to have an opinion, just as your opinion doesn't HAVE to change if you don't want it to, neither does the opinions of others. So think what you like because no one legitimately gives a shit unless they are a part of your life- but your actions do give people you don't know the right to think you're an asshole.... Which I am sure wont keep you awake at night....

My opinion though is this - I don't know if I want marriage for me. Others can do what they like, but gay rights? The term actually annoys the shit out me as does all the other associated 'Gay' terminology.
Gay culture - a culture isn't gay an individual is
Gay rights should just be human rights.... I don't want anything more just because of who I sleep with.

Gay might be who you screw, but if that is so important to other aspects of your life, then perhaps we should measure intelligence based on your hair colour and your morals based on how much you donate to charities. Do you really think the best way to get acceptance and equality is to point out the difference, separate everyone with that difference and try and make it a completely different community. Now you try and say your just the same as everyone else after making sure its known that your different.... Ugh!! Absolute bullshit!!!

Remember though... It's just my opinion.

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