13 Griffin Way, Friday morning

May 11, 2007 01:52

So this was his new home. It wasn't bad. Squall tossed his bag on the floor and set his gunblade case down carefully.

(What am I doing here?)

Bit of dust around. And the last person who lived here left in a hurry, it seemed. There were wires all over the place, coming out of the walls. Who knew what they were for? No furniture, though. That was fine. He could sleep on the floor for now.

(I should go back.)

Squall opened the fridge to peer in... and made a face and immediately shut it tight. Apparently, it had been unplugged since the old tenant left. And hadn't been cleaned out. He'd do that later. Maybe.

(Yeah, right.)

Upstairs... Bedrooms. Bathrooms. The usual. Whatever.

The basement... Huh. More wires, and a computer terminal set up and turned on. And still LOGGED on. Apparently, they had forgotten to clean out more than just the fridge. The words "Greetings, User" glowed at him from the screen, and he walked over to it. It wasn't just a computer -- it was hooked into some sort of security system for the house. A few minutes' work and he had a new password set up for himself and everything, and the security system was on and humming. Squall smiled and headed back upstairs. Adequate. Hopefully, the school would be decent as well.

squall's bastion, intro

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