Un Chein Andalou
Let's see where to start... well I guess the fun begain when we entered the states...
For dinner we stopped at Friendlys... not this one though. The guy out front didn't look very kindly.
We stayed in New York the first night. The next day I desided to do some english homework...
Nathan and I desided it would be funny if I wrote 'corno' instead of 'porn' through out my essay... Yah needless to say it was a long car ride.
So we drove....
And drove...
We even drove through Virgina and visited Tony's works...
Then we drove some more...
We even payed a toll where you tost the money in this big bag like thing. It was like a carnival game. As I was taking its picture it said, "Hey! Don't take a picture of me!"
Finally we made it to Pennsylvania!
unfortunatly it was raining...
It was raining real hard....
But we got to Philidelphia. I don't know how but I knew the Phili Museum was near.
We got to the museum at about 1 o'clock but our tickets weren't till 4:30 so we had some time to kill...
So we looked around...
I absurved...
Nathan pondered....
After seemingly forever.... .
It was time...
This is the first real Dali I have ever seen...
I smelt it. I touched it. I tasted it. I held it tight....
Then I got tackeled by security for taking pictures in an exibition....
The day was long... from 4:30 to 7:00 I was in the exibition soaking everything in. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I didn't want to leave. In fact my brother had to pull me away kicking and screaming...
But I got a little peice of Dali to bring home....
He is my insperation.
The End.