When your Wrong your Wrong...

Jun 10, 2004 17:14

Dear boredom,
I am in an extremely eccentric mood as of present it better last all freakin night! I was almost in tears of joy as I walked home from Cheerleading “practice” today. Cheerleading has ment so much to me and I enjoy it so much. All the girls on the team are amazing even cow, It was so sad to know this was the last time all the cheerleaders would be together. All of the second semester cheerleaders at lest. Kelly and Meagan and Jessy won’t be on the squad next year. There going on to bigger and better things… maybe. Kelly is starting a cheerleading squad in Sheriden and Jessy is starting one in her Bible collage… maybe. I hope our squad is even better next year. Cheerleading has gotten me through so many tough spots in my life and just to come to practice and see Kelly and Lucy smiling and people glad that I am there, and even Mrs. Galay listening to me ball my eyes out talking about how I’m going to fail math and now science has ment so much to me. Even if she did lie to me by saying that I wasn’t going to fail math… It’s the thought that counts right?
I hope work is good tonight. I have to work with Jerk tonight. I feel kind of bad. I bitched him out on Tuesday but he totally set himself up for it… I can’t help it. My inner bitch relessed itself without warning. I can’t stand him some times, really. He was saying that he should be able to go home early because he worked so hard, and he did. But then I just started bitching about how all of us work our asses off ALL the time EVER shift unlike him. He didn’t disserved any extra treatment because he worked well ONE night. Stuff like that. Geoff just kinda gasped and grinned and stood back after that and Greg walked away. Hehe. Not the best way to win a guys approval… He didn’t talk to him after that… He won’t even look at me…
Today will be better.

Love always,
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