Jun 09, 2005 15:35
It's been an ugly day all around. Anya woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep this morning when she discovered that I'd gotten up early. Hubby was testy this morning and generally disgruntled. I skipped breakfast and lunch in lieu of South Beach Bars just so I could have the time to work on a critical project. The people who had 10 days to submit materials for this project, due 9 days ago, are now scrambling to get material to me, or have just ignored my requests altogether. So I'm stuck trying to find or put together the material they were supposed to. THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FUCKING PROJECT, PEOPLE! And then Hubby calls to tell me that we've been hit with 4 overdraft charges. Great. Now I get to call the mighty and all-powerful bank and tell them I can either negotiate or I can just not do business with them anymore. Nice. Of course, I still need student loans from them....whatever. Oh, and I busted my ass to be ready for a 3PM meeting, including asking the director if she had another meeting scheduled for that time to which she said "No," and looked at me as if I was on crack, only to find out at 3 that she DID have another meeting, promised to be in ours in 10 minutes, and now, 45 minutes later...well, I've got time to check my bank balance and bitch in LJ.
I'm in a crap mood. Nyah!
All I have to say about this whole week is DO-OVER!
Is it July yet?