Oct 15, 2005 01:52
1. I don't understand people who want everything. Where would they keep it all?
2. People who voted for George Bush should be embarrassed.
3. People who voted for his son after voting for him should be twice as embarrassed.
4. People who, after voting for him then his son, then proceeded to vote for his son again, well they should probably be quarantined.
5. Borak Obama should be the next president of the US of A, but he probably will never be the president of this "great" country because his last name sounds too much like "Osama".
6. Stevie Wonder is a genius.
7. Bob Dylan is a genius.
8. Connor O'berst is a genius.
9. Nelson Mandela is a genius.
10. Condoleeza Rice is...Condoleeza Rice has a penis (it rhymed with genius).
11. Condosleaza is not a genius.
12. I have decided to pencil in the word, "Swip" in my dictionary. It means to turn 180 degrees only to quickly flip back to original facing. Switch and flip. Swip. Sweet.
14. Back to Stevie Wonder, why are some people so hung up on superstitions?
15. No number is unlucky unless itself + one = 14.
16. Fun fact: 89% of people older than the age of 18 are 36.7% more likely to fall for made up percentages than any other age bracket.
17. Numbers confuse me. They are endless and that scares me.
18. Condosleaza also scares me.
19. I wish I had an accent like Stewie (from Family Guy), or just any accent other than my own.
20. George Bush doesn't care about poor people. But that's just because he's never met a real, live one before.
21. Actually, what George Bush knows as poor people, is those S.O.B.s who used to live across the street from him growing up, who had to buy that Toyota SUV instead of the Lexus. Heh heh heh...those poor bastards.
22. Michelle Wie is really annoying.
23. Michelle Wie is also a beast.
24. Michelle Wie is a very annoying beast.
25. I'm glad I don't follow golf.
26. I want to create my own holiday with it's own bogus, colorful representative and deceive children across the world.
27. How is it that all of our rules and morals are based on history, but then when it comes to important things (i.e. wars...), we ignore everything history has taught us?
28. I wonder if Condosleaza waxes that forehead...
29. People should live their lives one day at a time instead of shooting for a goal and thinking nothing of the journey to that goal. It's like, if it's Monday, and you have something you look forward to doing Saturday, you're not going to just go to sleep all week to make Saturday come quicker, are you?
30. I need to find some sleeping pills...
This has been 2 A.M. Musings with Jesse. Please stay tuned for more episodes, seeing as that I have no control of my insomnia...peace.