my love is coming, i can barely hardly wait around

Jul 24, 2008 18:07

I think I will do an update now. I have been inspired by the Devin & Angie monthly e-mail.

A summer in Boston is as great as I imagined it would be when Phil & I were on vacation here this time last year. We've been taking mini roadtrips in the area and spending a lot of time in the city. Phil's parents visited for the Fourth, and we went to Harborfest, where they were giving away absurd amounts of free stuff, like Diet Pepsi Max, Jelly Bellies, and Blackberry Cleaning Wipes. We spent most of the day at the Boston Aquarium, which was nice. I wouldn't call myself a fish person. My friend Maro told me that sometimes people get married at the Aquarium, which completely weirded me out. But it was nice to see. They had some penguins, which were super cute. I would have liked to see some puffins though. We also saw "Deep Sea 3D," a documentary narrated by Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp. It was my first 3D IMAX experience and it was awesome. I'm really hoping we can go see "The Dark Knight" in IMAX in August, as well.

We headed back to Waltham for the fireworks show, and made it JUST in time. The show lasted a long time, but seemed to be lacking a certain something. I consider fireworks to be an art. There is a timing to it, a finesse. And whoever was setting these fireworks off did it without a plan. Phil and I are hoping to book a room in Boston for next year so that we can see the "real show" on the esplanade and not have to worry about beating the crowds as we try to escape the city.

Mandy Hart also visited a couple of weeks ago. It was great to see her. I took her to my favorite Thai restaurant, we went shopping, out for ice cream, candle-pin bowling, walked around the city. It was really nice catching up with her :-)

Work's going pretty well. The summer is a slow time for textbook publishing, so I've been doing a few peripheral projects like contributing to the company Wiki, designing a marketing powerpoint for our Essentials series and nagging authors to please please please hand in their manuscripts early. Katey & I are going to be prepping about 10 manuscripts next month, so we've been bracing ourselves.

I finished my ceramics/cooking class at the Boston Center for Adult Education. I actually skipped the cooking session, which was the last class, but that's okay. I felt like I got my money's worth in the ceramics course. I made a tree-shaped spoon rest, a tri-leaf soap holder, a bowl and corresponding plate with leaves pressed into the center, and this, my Dharma Initative chips-and-salsa plate. I think we're having another LOST party next month to unveil it and serve some LOST chips, with a side of Locke-a-mole:

I've also got a meeting next week with the tuition counselor at the Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University. I was accepted to their graphic design program and I'm seriously considering it. I would attend part-time, for nine months, and then maybe another nine months if I choose to continue in the program for Web Design, as well. I think if I stay in publishing, I will eventually turn to production/design or marketing so strengthening the design skills I established in college would be a good move. I also spoke with the lead designer at our company, and it sounds like she would be willing to give me some guidance throughout the process.

Other than that, last weekend, Phil and I enjoyed a nice day in the city. We hung out at Public Garden and then saw The Dark Knight at the Boston Common Theatre with Devin, Angie, Rick and Suze. Most people have already seen it, but if you haven't, go. Now. This weekend, we'll be hanging out with Amy & Geoff (who just got engaged, eeeee!) and Sunday, we're going to watch old X-files episodes before going to see the new movie (!) with Liz in Cambridge. Next weekend, my parents are visiting, which I'm really looking forward to. When Phil's parents and my parents helped us move in, it poured, they got lost, we didn't know how to get anywhere. I wouldn't call the experience "fun." So I'm glad they are coming back so they can understand why we moved here and why we love it so much. And then August 8-10, Phil and I are taking a weekend getaway to a yet-to-be-disclosed-to-me location to celebrate our 1.5-year anniversary. Woo!

Also, if you're reading this, WRITE AN LJ ENTRY. K. Thanks.
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