Feb 10, 2006 00:37
Sleeping has been a bitch lately. This is an inconvinience to say the least, especially because that whole time I'm sleeping tends to rank way up on my list of favorite parts of the day. Over the past week my sleep schedule fell into a large hole and landed on it's fragile little head. It started with a little midday nap (it's always the little things, isn't it?). I was woken up about an hour later feeling all nice and refreshed and still ridiculously tired, so I slept through physics. I felt better after that, but fast-forward (sounds of video fast-forwarding should go through your head right now) to 3:30 a.m., I'm still awake with class in less than 5 hours. So I try and force myself to sleep (it happened a little after 4) and wake up at 7 ready to shoot myself and anyone associated with the creation of alarm clocks. Next day, pretty much the same thing. Next morning, I slept straight through my alarm, Calculus, and most of my spare hour till the next class. Now, my alarm makes one the only sounds I can't stand; a high-pitched, high-volumed (screeching, for short) sound like when big trucks are backing up, only horrible and rage-inducing. Needless to say, it ALWAYS woke me up. Towards the end of last semester, I had decided having the clock too close led to too many snooze button presses which led to too many "Oh shit I'm late" getting out of bed moments so I moved it out of arms reach, banking on ol' Auditory Death to wake me up. Sleeping through an hour of that got me worried that something in my sleeptimes was going wrong. It struck me then mainly because I didn't quite know if it was Tuesday or Wednesday (the first calc test was on Wednesday. Missing it would have made David a sad boy. A sad boy who got to repeat Calc II), but I still managed to not make the nap to regular sleep connection (lack of sleep, you know). Next morning, had excessive measures in place to make sure I woke up (anything that could make alarm noises did so) and they worked. Continued the napping cycle through the rest of the week (this all happened last week (I forgot to mention that)) and finally remembered the sleep cycle from psychology (I learned something in college!). The self diagnosis was that while I got plenty of sleep time, the discontinuity in the sleep time was killing the cycle leaving me tired and unrested. I took measures to stop that. I laid down on Tuesday at 6p.m., figuring I'd sleep out what I needed during that period and could rebuild a normal sleep schedule at the next available time. Sure, I woke up around 11p.m. and went back to sleep at 4, but the next morning was good. Didn't nap, stayed awake till a decent hour (it seems wrong to say that, but it's true) and had a full nights sleep for the first time in 2-3 weeks. It was absolutely fabumotherfuckingtastic.
Thing about this is it only works for straight up sleeping. I sleep just fine even if I spend 7 hours laying still with my eyes closed but still awake (I haven't quite done this, but I've come close), but an hour long nap will fuck me up unless I fight it the rest of the day. I'm better at being a vegetable than coming out of a coma. At least this explains why I can only remember taking one or two naps in my time before college (I've taken far too many here).
Yay proper sleeping. Boo nap sensitivity.
And that thingy on love I mentioned last time? It'll be taking the place of the Debacle de 100 for a while. Debacle is over in Ireland, getting piss drunk on company money and power. If he wasn't so decent, I might fire him. But I'll let it slide this one time.
Plain Quote: "That's the best thing about walking, the journey itself. It doesn't matter much whether you get where you're going or not. You'll get there anyway. Every good hike brings you eventually back home." - Edward Abbey
David Quote: "Plinko is the best fucking game in the world!"
Last Consumables: Food: Cheez Doodles Puffed -- Drink: Black Cherry Vanilla Coca-Cola
Emotional Charger: James Wally. It seems like everything he says to me is just him begging for me to punch him in the face. And I want to. Oh God, do I want to. And he kills any possibility of a good arguement or debate with his incessant bitching and an illusion that being a student senator makes him Jesus Christ. Condescending, hypocritical, dorky-looking, whiny, pussy, shallow son of a bitch. And the cocky little fuck honestly believes he can kick my ass. One day soon, he's going to say "You talk a lot of shit, bitch. But you never do anything. Go on, hit me." I know he will. And I can't WAIT.
Valentines Build Up:
I recall that once upon a time, I was asked a question
A simple question by nature
One that I should know
A question of mere description for which an answer must surely belong
But a question with no true answer
With answers deeper than the darkest seas
She asked plainly and quite clear a simple question for me to clarify
“What” she asked “is Love?”
“What is Love?” I asked, more to myself than anyone
I began several different answers at once, none of which a real answer
Just the same old rhetoric that had been shoved down my throat since I was a kid
What is Love?
To like a friend very much, to never want to leave
To like Mommy and Daddy and even your siblings
But I knew this tripe is for children and children alone
What can Love be?
I settled down and began to think, all but this question closed from mind
What is Love?