Yes, my shins are sweating. That's how much fun I've had tonight.
It started Friday. I had bombed my calculus final in a nuclear manner (to the point that, unless there is some crazy curving going on, I get to take it again next semester) that morning and had calmed down from that (I was pretty pissed. I looked through it and figured that, best-case scenario, I got a between a 49 and a 53. I needed a 60 to get through to Calc 2. I think Jesus would smile broadly if there was a curve of epic proportions for that test. A curve on the final average would make him dance (one of the hymns in our hymnbook talks (sings, probably) about Jesus being Lord of the Dance. It's to the tune of 'Tis a Gift to be Simple (because I know that intrests ya'll to no end))(damn, this was a long parenthesis)). Me and some friends decided that going out to eat in celebration of our completion of our final finals (the economics final doesn't really count. Almost the entire class was "If there is a greater demand for something, what should happen to supply?" It shall be like cake. It will be eaten with joy and satisfaction (then, unlike cake, it will be reguritated, completed and turned in.) with the knowledge that I will be homeward bound (without 2 dogs and a cat in the wilderness) in a manner of hours. (Is it bad that I have to go back and read through what I've got to know when to end with the parentheses?)). We hit up the local Italian restruant, made some fun conversation (spousal abuse, high school, shotguns) and decided that an excursion was necessary. We traversed a short section of interstate and went to the Crossroads Plaza (Crossroads something. I don't know for sure if it was Plaza or not. It's a lot like University Place, only bigger). Crossroads has everything that is cool and awesome (that we saw (because it was in Crossroads when we saw it)), so we started wandering in and out of stores. We hit up the Plato's Closet (Goodwill with designer clothes. I think they buy used clothes from people instead of recieve them for free) and made fun of clothes and James. Then we meandered over to the Best Buy, surveyed their merchandise, and exited after a while. Dick's came up next, though we drove across the parking lot to get there (walking was too sensible). When we got there, we quickly (not purposefully) found the firearms section. We concentrated on the non-lethal weaponry, like dartguns and airsoft guns and almost got several (we decided they probably weren't safe to have in dorms, so they'll probably come at or around Christmastime). We waltzed over to the workout division of Dick's and messed with the rowing machines, Total Gyms, medicine balls, and punching bags for more time than was necessary, and departed. We patronized Party City, where a Whoopie Cushion was purchased by one amongst our group for 2 quarters. We seperated ourselves from Party City, then hoofed it towards Toy's R Us (the R won't turn around!). It was a first for me. It's like KB Toys exploded a million times in a warehouse. That much stuff. Crazy. After our journeys in the Toys to the Us (backward R was replaced due to refusal of duty), we took our leave of Crossroads. On the way back towards campus, our adventure rashes began to itch, so we decided that K-Mart (which isn't quite as bad as people think. It's practically a Wal-Mart. It just has shitty facilities and ever so slightly higher than everyday low prices) was the solution. Luckily, we were right close to it. Upon entering, we looked for and found the toy section. We lead ourselves to the best section of all in the toy section, the part where they keep all the stuff for kids to shoot each other with. It seems to me that Nerf isn't as popular as it used to be. There weren't as many on the shelves as I remembered from my younger days (I was all about some Nerf) and it appears Nerf finally got some competition. That competition comes from the Air Blasters division of Ruff Stuff. Nerf is still 3.9 trillion time cooler than any Air Blaster, but my one non-food purchase of the night went to the wannabe brand. It's the Double Shot Dart Blaster. It's a shotgun. Double-Barrel, Breech-loader, comes with shells, single or double shot capacity, self-ejects shells, hidden storage for additional rounds, yellow and blue plastic with an orange tip, it's amazing. We left, I got back to my room and immediately began playing with Ol' Blue. After a good while of that, some internet surfing, and a little reading, I slipped into bed and slept til 2:30 this afternoon. I got up, did some stuff I don't remember, went through my "morning" routine around 5, took a walk down Hillsborough Street, talked to some poor and homeless people who wanted money for "food" (but not straight up food (coughdruggiescough), and I offered them meals), wound up back in my room, where I eventually started listening through a lot of dance/techno music from
Newground's audio portal and danced like a fool and made myself dizzy (it may or may not have happened at the same time). During that, I started this post, and have been drifting away from my computer from time to time to continue the dancing and shooting Ol' Blue as well. It's taken about an hour and a half to get this far, and this is just spitting out what I did over the last couple days. (I just did it again.)
"So what's the point?" you might ask. "What wonderous things did you discover during this time?" I believe I will tell you.
I'm still a kid. At heart, mind, and soul, I'm just a kid. According to the government I'm a non-drinking, voting adult, but you know they're lying. I had the opportunity to buy some good shit that guys my age are supposed to buy (various elctronics, sharp pointies, guns) and what do I get? A fucking dart gun. A fucking awesome dart gun, but a dart gun nonetheless. I'm still doing almost everything I did as a kid. And I love it. I literally stopped giving a rat's ass (it wasn't too hard to be lietral about that. I never gave any part of a rat to, for, or about anything) about anything but having fun. In fact, I've found that whenever I'm alone, I physically revert to childlike movement and action. It's nothing I can really describe, I just kinda notice it. I don't know if it's me going nuts or if I'm adapting to college in a weird way or what, but I'm having fun with it regardless.
Plain Quote: "Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while." - Kin Hubbard
David Quote: "It's not like I'm going to be stuck in The Netherlands with someone ponting a gun to my head telling me to find the the area under the curve of (square root of x^3+pi/x^2-8)^7!"
Last Consumables: Food: Lay's KC Masterpiece Barbeque Potato Chips --- Drink: Cheerwine
Emotional Charger: Ivan Andjelkovic- He's my calc teacher. While everyone else gets the luxury of a notecard of notes, a few pracical examples, and calculators, my class gets it Russian (or something like that. The name and Russian-style accent are all I can work off of.) style. No calculators, no help, no real teaching. Just the book with a thick accent. Except the book said to use some form of calculating device. In the denial stage of failing Calculus, I blame him for everthing. Me go "Grrrr."
Debacle De 100: Daniel was a nocturnal man, but he suffered from insomnia, so it didn't really matter. "Suffer" is perhaps an improper description. It would be more astute to say he was afflicted with insomnia. He rather liked being awake. It let him get all his work done and goof off all day. With a slightly altered diet (an increase in sugars, carbs, and caffiene), he could go a full months without so much as a wink. Probably kill him sooner or later, his doctor had told him. But Daniel had fun with his waking hours, so he wasn't too awful worried about losing a couple years off the older end of his life.