elisa once said it's only every blue moon that I get really angry, well then the moon must be green tonight because you fail to realize how angry I really am
you signed off and called me "hostile", hahah maybe I am, but only just a little
this lying hypocrit of a fool/bitch (so that's what you think of me, ok whatever, think what you will, Im fine with that) is pissed, so when you said youd "talk to me when im more cooled down", Ill just let you know now that youre gonna be waiting quite some time
How to Avoid Getting Steppie Angry 1.01: the only available guide of all you will ever need to know on this subject
lesson # all of them: dont ever try to tell her what she's thinking, what she wants or doesnt want, or what she's feeling, aka dont try to analyze her like she's some psychologist's specimen