neverlookback780: wow i haven't read your lj in awhile
why the hell am i only mentioned in two entries
neverlookback780: before i teleport lvl.10 your ass to a volcano
Ok ok ok, so Stephen is this CRAZY AWESOME PIMPTASMERRIFIC HILARIOUS Mexketeer...see, the Mexketeers are an elite group of the most awesome of awesome mexicans that is composed of Elisa, Myself, and Stephen (the three founders of the now world reknowned organizaiton) and we recruit members, the Mexketeer Legions...hahah anyway
HAHAHA and this is him:
^stephen took shotgun in geffory
^that's stephen and elisa pimpin' it on the couch...we were watching a documentary on Stalin and Hitler...and their secret lives as homosexual lovers (only we dont know, just our theory)
^stephen drumming along to the music
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo this mean I wont get teleported (lvl. 10) into a volcano?
that was kind of fun :)