Nov 17, 2005 02:00
I never update this thing anymore. lordy.
Santa Clause is parking his ass right outside my store this year. Which of course means that tons of kids and parents will be outside screaming and yelling and carrying on. I can't wait. At least the christmas trees look nice, and it should be a pick up in business for the store.
I might have to get the new Madonna album, because it's apparently really good. I'm a quasi-Madonna fan I suppose. Her 80's stuff was fun, but the first Madonna album I bought was Ray of Light, which is still a great album. I didn't buying the last one, though. I streamed it on and it was pretty blah. I'll give her another chance.
"Walk the Line' opens Friday, and B and I are totally going sometime after I get off work. Hopefully won't be too late. I am quite excited for some reason, and I've never been big on Johnny Cash. w00t.
It's about time some decent movies came out. Why do we always have to wait till November? Damn oscars.